Pretentious Pretenders.

Pretentious pretenders are enemies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Although they claim to have a relationship with Jesus, they profess they are born-again believers, and are in the community of the redeemed and they are accepted by the cultural church as such. These people say all the right things, do all the right things, believe all the right things as stated in the doctrinal affirmations of the organization they choose to belong to and are assured of right standing with God by the hierarchy of the affiliated affiliation. The actually is these are the tares spoken of in Matt. 13:24-43. They look right, think right, speak right, act right, and accepted as right by the denominated body they think is right.

These are the enemies of The Lord and of believers in Him who worship Him in spirit and in truth. Why. Because they are tares that are planted among the wheat and unless spiritually discerned are accepted as genuine wheat. Thus they are pretentious pretenders.

At first, tares can look just like the wheat, but they are different. What do they look like? How do they conduct themselves? They smile, shake your hand, pat you on the back, flatter you on occasion (sometimes calling it compliment) and wave to you on the street. They pray and are often quite proud of how they pray. Some will even fast. They read their Bibles, have Bible studies, memorize Scriptures, hand out tracts, and witness to neighbors, friends and strangers.

Some of them have dress codes; women may wear only dresses, long hair, hats, long sleeves and sometimes head coverings; some may also reject the use of make-up. They don’t curse, drink, smoke or do drugs and they stay away from people who do these things. Some abstain from working on the sabbath or Sundays, they attend Sunday-go-meetings, pay tithes, testify, sing in the choir, and preach behind pulpits.

Sometimes one can pick up on their spirit, observing that something is not right about it. They have a certain demeanor that spouts humility and piety. They try hard to be polite, courteous, respectful, and considerate, but, when questioned about the misplacement of their spiritual priorates and traditions of man, they fail miserably and disclose their allegiance.

Their lives inevitably revolve around a religious obligations and rule-keeping. They live for Bible studies, regular Sunday services, conventions and revival meetings. There are several motivations for attendance: “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together...” (Hebrews 10:25) is a lifted out of context verse used to persuade adherents into total involvement; there may be a charismatic or dynamic preachers, sensational topics presented, special activities like out-of-town singers, and guest speakers, or just simple socializing with friends.

The fact of the matter is: pretentious pretenders in the lusts of their flesh, have deceived themselves into thinking they are doing the very things with which God is pleased and which He requires.

In reality, these people are not at all what they think they are or pretend to be. Some may think they have their high standards and principles by which they live, but rights be known they are practiced only when convenient, profitable for them, or they are forced to do so. Often, their “high standards” are more expectations of their affiliated group to be accepted by them.

These people are pretentious pretenders. They have concluded that show of piety is true worship of God. They think that their dress, social graces, controlled conduct in personality and attitude, and meeting involvement are the essence of the gospel. In doing these things they think they satisfy God and His requirements upon their lives.

Their faith in Christ is pretentious showmanship, and true spirituality and relationship with God is lacking.

If you are a true believer (wheat) in the babylonian system where pretentious pretenders (tares) infiltrate easily, ensure that Jesus is your focus and not the system or men running the the system you are in.


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