The Narrow Road.
Many people who say they are traveling the narrow-road through the narrow-gate believe it is a legit reason for them to be narrow-minded. They even say, "I am proud to be narrow-minded because Jesus was narrow-minded." Many narrow-minded people who think they have entered through the narrow-gate and are traveling the narrow-road leading to life, have entered through the wide-gate and are traveling the broad-road that leads to destruction! People think that because Jesus said that the narrow gate and the narrow road leads to life, that Jesus Himself was narrow-minded. Jesus said, "Narrow is the way that leads to life" (Matt. 7:14). I used to think that meant that narrow is the way to go to heaven and few there be that find it. That is the traditional concept. However the narrow way that leads to life is referring to God’s grace life in the here-and-now, not in the great-beyond. Jesus said, "I am come that you might have life" (John 10:10). The life that He...