Pleasing God or Pleasing People

“Find out what pleases the Lord.” Ephesians 5:10

If you do not know what pleases the Lord then find out what pleases Him.

Some of the greatest pain that we know in life is brought on ourselves by attempting the impossible: pleasing other people. Just think of the effort and anxiety we extend every day trying to get others to like or approve or affirm us. Don’t be fooled-people-pleasing is a dead-end street.
Whether the people you crave recognition from is your boss, your parent, your friend, your pastor, your denomination or someone from your past-when you position them as judge and jury over your life, you’re putting yourself in bondage.

Jesus came to set you free from this painful pattern of living. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed,” (John 8:36).

May I suggest two things that will help you to please the Lord:

#1. Minimize your focus on what others think of you.

Paul faced the temptation to people-please. Notice his response to people comparing his and Apollos’ ministries in 1 Corinthians 4:3: “But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself.”

He minimized the weight he placed on others’ opinions. “It’s a very small thing,” he said.
Remember that as you reflect on this past, reliving all the tensions of the day and wishing someone would’ve said what they’ve never said, and may never say. No matter how big their rejection feels to you, believe what the Scripture says: “It’s a very small thing” especially when compared to pleasing Jesus.

#2. Maximize your focus on what God thinks of you.

You need to come to the place in your life where your consuming passion is to focus on God’s evaluation. Let me suggest ways to do this:

#1. Spend quality and quantity time with the Lord. More time with Him will help you know and desire to do what pleases Him most.

#2. Don’t be controlled or manipulated by emotional blackmail. Some people hold a dynamite stick in one hand and a match in the other and threaten to control you by intimidation. Just walk away.

#3. Limit enslaving friendships. People who base relationships on performance, not acceptance, are never satisfied. Limit their influence and the time you spend with them.

#4. Get alone with the Lord on a daily basis and ask, “Lord, how can I live my life to please YOU and do your will on this earth? God is the only one who has all the facts and can equip you to accomplish His will instead of being manipulated by others to do their will.

One hundred years from today only God’s assessment of your life will matter.


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