The path to God in the Old Testament System was instituted by God and was in an upward movement to God. MAN obeying LAWS and RITUALS in the TEMPLE where the PRIEST offered up the SACRIFICE and heard from God, the PRIEST then shared what God wanted with the PEOPLE. After Jesus MAN instituted the same model to satisfy religions way of getting to God and preserve a hierarchical system of control in that the PEOPLE viewed the Bible as a RULE and REGULATION book which they go to "CHURCH" to hear HIRED PROFESSIONAL PASTORS expound unto them and where they make a SACRIFICE of their TIME and MONEY.

Since Jesus the way is completely reversed. No longer is it man trying to get to God, it is now God coming to man embodied in Jesus!

The path is now from GOD to MAN! It is now GOD through JESUS the "WORD" to MAN!

It is not that we desire God it is that God desires us. When we would not come to God, He came to us. Man resisted Him, He instituted a plan to redeem us. It could not be done through the Old Testament way of approaching God. Nor can it be accomplished by the Man Instituted System that religion practices from the advent of the New Testament up to the modern church age we live in.

No, the only way is the God Instituted Way of the New Testament. JESUS is now the SACRIFICE, PRIEST and the TEMPLE! JESUS fulfilled the LAW!

It is no longer through religious observance of rules and regulations, sacrifice and penance of the religious systems. It is now through RELATIONSHIP with the God of all ages, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! He is our Papa!

God no longer dwells in temples made with hands, While Jesus was on the cross the curtain was rent asunder and God, as it were, came out of the Holy of Holies of the man-made temple to His chosen temple MAN, through Jesus and now we have direct contact to Him and He to us because we now are the temple of His Holy Spirit.

Jesus came to set mankind free from sin and to bring an end to religion and the bondage it holds on mankind. Praise the Name of the living God! Him whom Christ sets free is free indeed!


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