December 2010 Truth Nuggets

  • The end of the past year and the beginning of the new year is is not really the end or beginning of anything, except dates that will populate history, it is just a continuation of time and life. But, throughout the dated New Year apply the wisdom and understanding you may have gained from the past year, because during the New Year you have another chance to get things right, so DON’T GIVE UP!

  • To have a vision for the New Year is not enough if all you do is envision your vision! To fulfill your vision you need the activator of venture! Don’t only envision your vision, break out of your envisioning and venture into action to fulfill your vision.
  • If we were more concerned about what we eat between the New Year and Christmas instead of being so worried about what we eat between Christmas and the New Year, it would benefit us much more!
  • If you would but take the time every day of 2011, in-spite of whatever circumstance you find yourself going through, to look at the beauty and love in the world and in the people around you, you will have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  • If your mind is full of nothing it is subject to receiving anything. Be careful what you think because what you think is who you will eventually become! Control your thoughts, if you don’t your thoughts will control you!

  • In the New Year you can make a new start, but don’t make a new start on old habits that you wish to break. If you continue to live according to old habits you will live in defeat, break the cycle of defeat by killing and burying old habits that hinder your potential and health and rise to the grasp the benefits of an OVER-COMER!

  • By offering the scepter of GRACE, LOVE, FORGIVENESS and UNDERSTANDING to people, you will place a CROWN of FRIENDSHIP on their HEART that will result in you gaining FRIENDS! Throughout the New Year place a Crown of Friendship on people’s heart it will cause you to have a Happy New Year!
  • Spirit Comparison!
    The spirit of Christmas is a annual event; The Spirit of Christ is a daily reality and eternal.
    The spirit of Christmas is a sentimental and human inspired; The Spirit of Christ is supernatural and divinely inspired.
    The spirit of Christmas is a human product and human produced; The Spirit of Christ is divine and God produced.
    Should not the Spirit of Christ SUPERSEDE the spirit of Christmas?
  • When you go about your Christmas festivities and think everything is fine.
    Remember that Christmas was never an event that was on Jesus’ mind.
    Yes, His birth changed the course of history, as did His crucifixion.
    But what changes people’s Lives is His miraculous resurrection.
    Christmas is the time for giving and receiving, because of selfish gratification.
    Merchants getting rich due to greedy commercialization.
    The greatest gift that can be received or given is not found under a tree.
    But the giving of your life to Christ to receive His and these gifts are FREE!

  • True LOVE does not look at people or circumstances with the natural eye. When viewing with the natural eye we see people’s skinny, to fat, nose to big, ears stick off, hips are to wide...etc., and “love” only sees skin deep beauty. True LOVE however, see people for who they truly are...glorious, spectacular, radiant, beautiful and perfect, because you are not limited by the natural eye. “Everybody is beautiful in their own way.” Merry Christmas beautiful people...yes that means YOU!

  • It is impossible to find LIFE amongst the DEAD. It is time to stop wandering in the cemetery of past mistakes and failures and bury them once and for all. Resurrect yourself from the death of the past and rise to enjoy life in the present to pursue new ideas and establish new relationships that will brighten your future.

  • Not many people make it through life without breaking things and most things when it breaks makes a noise but does not cause pain. Other things you can break in life make no noise but causes extreme pain. Don’t break somebody's trust, it will break relationships that causes heartbreaks!

  • Live Life being young at heart even though you may be slightly older in other places!

  • Wherever you may stand on the shores of the sea, you see the beginning of the ocean but, you cannot see the end of the ocean. Genuine True LOVE is as the water that covers the sea, you can see its beginning but, you cannot see its ending. No matter what nature throws at the sea, it always rides out the storm, it always returns to calmness and peacefulness. True LOVE rides out the storms of life that may assail, and with contentment always ends up in peaceful waters.

  • Seeking your own GOOD is not GOOD for the GOOD of others therefore, seek not your own GOOD for the GOODNESS of yourself, instead seek GOOD for the GOODNESS of others. Seeking your own GOOD is an egoistic no GOOD, GOOD for nothing, GOOD-LESS endeavor.

  • A gospel that doesn’t work in your daily lives doesn’t work, because it is not THE gospel! If you want to know true theology know JESUS! God will not violate His Word, but He sure has no problem violating man’s religious understanding of His Word!

  • A thankful heart leads to health...a thankful heart leads to happiness...a thankful heart leads to contentment...a thankful heart leads to peace...a thankful heart leads to being compassionate...a thankful heart leads to rest...a thankful heart leads to humility...a thankful heart leads to love...a thankful heart leads to LIFE. TO LIVE AND ENJOY LIFE YOU MUST HAVE A THANKFUL HEART!

  • Whatever you keep and hide in your heart you lose. Whatever you give from your heart you gain for out of the heart flows the issues of life. Open your heart to GIVE so you can LIVE! What you give from your heart of love will be returned to you, good measure, pressed down and running over. Keep GIVING from your heart to keep LIVING so you can keep LIVING to be LOVING!

  • It is refreshing to know that Jesus is a lot bigger, a lot more understanding, a lot different, a lot more forgiving, a lot more compassionate, a lot more loving, and a lot more simpler to understand than what religion makes Him out to be!

  • As a rudder controls the course of a ship, your tongue controls the course of your life by the words that come out of your mouth. Let the wagging of your tongue be controlled by LOVE and your words seasoned with GRACE, so that your lips are CONSTANTLY and GRACEFULLY ENCOURAGING others and expressing THANKFULNESS.

  • The art of understanding changes us and causes us to love the person we are trying to understand because we see their heart. True love doesn't love because everything is perfect. True love loves in spite of everything being perfect because it is a love of the heart.

  • Letting go of our conditions and expectations in living out our relationships with people leads to the freedom of loving them from the heart the way God loves! Remember the words “I love you” will only go so far to authenticate your love, a picture is worth a thousand words. Substantiate “I love you” by a picture of action, not because of expectation but because your genuine LOVE participation!

  • I am sure most of you will be blessed by the gifts that you are given this Christmas. But, never forget, but the best gifts are not found under the tree, they are found in your heart! Long after the gifts under the tree have lost their value and faded away, the gifts in your heart will have increased in value and become more precious. Cherish your heart gifts.

  • What if we treated our DISAPPOINTMENTS as opportunities for APPOINTMENTS for the ANOINTMENT of CONTENTMENT in the COMPARTMENT of our minds by the ENGAGEMENT of God through His Holy Spirit.

  • Faith that is not seasoned with love is like a house with electricity but no light bulbs. The power is in place but there is no light thus, there is no functionality! You can cause some functionality of the power by putting your finger in the socket but, it will be dysfunctional power that will cause you pain or even death. If there is functionality to faith without love, it is DYSFUNCTIONAL and can cause spiritual death!

  • May your memory be ever graced to remember the things in your life that are worth remembering. But, may your memory never remember the things that are best forgotten. It is not so much that your mind forgets the unforgettable, it is more an act of your will to forget the unforgettable!

  • One of the most worthwhile things to do in life that reaps rich rewards, is to minister to the Lord by waiting graciously, compassionately, patiently and lovingly on people.

  • TRUE LOVE will love the person that hurts you but never hurt the person that loves you. TRUE LOVE will offer forgiveness and kindness to the person that hurt you.

  • Hate, war, strife, un-forgiveness, nonacceptance, indifference, greediness, selfishness, and religion are a result of man's failure to appropriate the love of God in his life and to share God's love with others. Our participation in such assures our rejection of God's love.

  • The greatest understanding is to admit you do not understand because that admission sets you on a course to understand.

  • It is one thing to learn how to live but, in living don't forget to learn how to die! If you learn how to die while you live you will live when you die!
  • I am pondering again...If the professed super spiritual, super powerful, within the religious world, the ones who say “God told me”, “I saw this about you in the Spirit”, were given the chance to be able to read people’s mind, but in doing so they would reveal their inner most thoughts within themselves to those around them, I wonder, would any of them want to read other people's minds?
  • True LOVE, does not respond to hate with hate, does not respond to un-forgiveness with un-forgiveness, does not respond to negatives with negatives, does not respond to anger with anger, does not respond to disrespect with disrespect. The only response that true LOVE can respond with is LOVE! That doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat and accept the harmful deed, just plant a loving seed and love will grow indeed.

  • Becoming a believer in a moment of time does little for the kingdom of God. Being a believer in each moment of life by allowing His compassion, kindness and love to live through us is the gospel and good news.

  • Showing kindness, understanding and love to all people is difficult for the narrow minded people living on the narrow minded street of religiosity. This, in-part is due to the mind being subjected to the narrowness of man instituted and promoted ideologies that are claimed to be Godly!

  • A Spirit controlled and Spirit led person will kindle kindness, compassion, understanding and love in people they associate with!

  • Is your Jesus capsulized in a cocoon spun by religiosity and limited by their doctrinal interpretation of scripture. Jesus is bigger than religion, in fact Jesus is not even about religion, Jesus is about who people are, and He really is God veiled in human flesh loving people, showing that God is LOVE!

  • Your spiritual growth is not dependent on how much you are loved by people, what your position is in your “movement”, or your seminary degrees. It is dependent on your WILLINGNESS to LOVE people LOVINGLY! Loving people lovingly, God’s way, will change who you are while changing other people’s world!

  • You can tell oodles about a person by how they tell stories in conversing with others, and to whom they choose to tell the stories to. It boils down to being careful what you say and how you say it because you are revealing who you are by the words you say and how you say them.

  • In our relationship with God, if we spiritually stagnate on the plateau of doctrinal knowledge, as happens in religion, we cease to grow spiritually. Instead we re-resurrect our old nature and it pretends to be new. The longer we park on the plateau of doctrinal knowledge the more our relationship status degenerates into religiosity spurned by a religious spirit of performing do's and don’ts, bringing us into the bondage of religion.

  • The most valuable resource that planet earth has or will ever have are PEOPLE. It is time that as people we realized that, and it is time we lived like people are the most valuable resource! One act of war at a time kills people and will never change the world, but one act of LOVE at a time values people and can change the world!

  • In religion anybody who does not believe like us are known as them! If you are set on there being an us and a them, don’t forget that everybody is them to somebody! That means that us are them, and what you say about them, them may be saying about us so choose your words wisely! God’s love relationship does not distinguish between them and us, there is only us!

  • Is religion to taken up in converting people rather than conversing with people? Are they to interested in advancing Christianity rather than BEING a Christian who draws people to Christ by their living life?

  • If you are waiting for PERFECT people to come into your life before entering into a relationship with them, you will never enjoy the benefits of a relationship, because there is no human in this world that is PERFECT but, EVERYBODY in this world is PERFECT for SOMEBODY!

  • In relationships TRUE LOVE is the glue that holds it together, the music that soothes the soul and brings harmony to the relationship, and the oil that reduces any friction that may arise in the relationship.


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