Being God’s people is not so much about God being on our side as it is about us being on God’s side! It is time for Sunday-meeting-pulpit-teers to scrap their performance driven agenda for God’s desired love relationship living. It is time to move from the deception that God is on our side because of our denominational stance and move to God’s side. In God’s kingdom there are no denominational segregated sections, in fact there are no religious distinctions at all!
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together" (Hebrews 10:25), is a common verse cited by Christians who believe that if you're not attending weekly meetings or plugged in a church denomination that you are somehow out of sync with Scripture and, for all practical purposes, "backsliding". Some refer to the out of church crowd as rebels, or the walking wounded and this verse is often given as the prescription. But is "attending church" really what the author of Hebrews had in mind here? YES THE BIBLE SAY’S NOT TO FORSAKE THE ASSEMBLING TOGETHER? NOTICE IT DOES NOT SAY DO NOT FORSAKE THE "ASSEMBLY" OR CHURCH BUILDING. First of all, it is essential that we understand the meaning of the word "church" as it is used in the Bible. These comments, while being historically and biblically sound, are not meant to suggest that Christians should not meet together, share fellowship, pray or preach the Word of God. If that is the conclusion ...
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