Do you believe the scriptures or some man’s interpretation of scripture??

Is what you believe based upon scripture or some man’s interpretation?

Why is it that religious people are more apt to believe and are comfortable with what they have been taught by their minister, who was taught by a a seminary professor, who adapted the beliefs of a theologian whose interpretation of the scriptures is based on the founding fathers of his denomination? People who belong to a specific denomination interpret scriptures in light of what they believe rather than allow the scriptures formulate what they believe! When asked why they believe the way they believe, the answer is often, “that is what my minister taught us or that is what my church teaches.

If I am interested finding truth in the bible, then I must be willing to accept what I currently believe and what I have been taught by man may be wrong! This is very difficult to do because I have believed what I believe for so long that I view it as truth and to admit I am wrong in a certain area means I could be wrong in other areas. I then start to loose the respect of the people whom I have taught what I thought was truth and the people accepted as it as truth but, it proved not to be truth at.

I do not believe that most pastors or teachers deliberately set out to teach erroneous doctrine. They teach what they were taught by the seminary professors, and seminaries teach what their founding fathers believed to be true. These teachings appear to be truth to the people being taught because they are listening to supporting scripture under the assumption that the teaching itself is correct. This is why, even though there is so many conflicting doctrines in the religious world, most people do not question their particular denomination’s teaching.

Folks, we have to set aside perceived interpretations of man and be careful not to interpret God’s word in light of what we believe is right or logical and allow the scriptures to formulate what we believe. any time you read scripture and conclude that God would not do this or that we need to reassess out approach because this kind of statement indicates we may be reading the bible in light of what we already believe or through logical thinking rather than letting God’s word by His Holy Spirit teach us. If we do not be careful we will end up believing that our preachers and teachers rather than God...this is supporting the idea that man is wiser than God.

We must always be cognizant that no matter the popularity of a doctrine it does not validate the doctrines accuracy. The overabundance of conflicting doctrines across the religious community is indicative that a lot of wrong doctrine is being taught!
So how do I determine what is truth? Though there are many conflicting beliefs, all doctrine can sound biblical accurate when the teachers are teaching or the preachers are preaching using the scripture as proof text. Do we approach the reading of the Bible with an open heart and mind or have we locked ourselves into the doctrines we have accepted.

We all need to set our pride and perceived beliefs aside and take an honest look at ourselves, and ponder the question, Who really is my teacher...Is it God or people within my denomination. We are all guilty of trusting what other people have taught us without seriously examining the teaching of scripture to hear the voice of His teacher, free from the ramblings of man inspired teachers and preachers.


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