Is our Christian experience irrelevant?

Let’s approach the question from a view as to who we keep company with? Are they all believers? The impact on people that don’t have a relationship with God through Jesus will be little if we are not personally building relationships with people that don’t know Jesus. If our friends are only church people of our own religious persuasion  what are non-believers concluding by our selectivity in friends? Are we demonstrating a “we are better than they attitude”? Are we showing them a warped view of the reality of God’s love? Do they conclude that God only loves Jesus people because we only have Jesus people as our friends?

Do we personally interact with across our path people on a daily basis that has no connection with our religion.? If our interaction is resigned to our church, our group, is that really a ministry? When looking at the ministry of Jesus is that the ministry that He practiced? If we are not making relationships and availing of opportunities when they arise in our family and community who are we ministering Jesus to?

Do we live in a isolated cocoon of isolation from those we call non-christian? If so, how have we answered the call of “Go ye into all the world and make disciples”. Is trying to fulfill that mandate by going “away from the world” by spending all our time with people of like faith to “fulfill” adequate enough. Is our religion so religious that we cannot relate relationally to non-church people unless they attend our Sunday-go-meeting. Even then, if we relate at all it is only superficially?

Can people tell we are not relevant to the reality of people in our world? Do they get a sense that our heart is not in the right place and we are not demonstrating the heart of Jesus? Do they sense that our self-righteousness stinks as filthy rags and is something manufactured to fit being religious?

The Word of God is relevant for the people of today, but we must live out the Word in our lives on a daily basis with the people we meet and not just as we perceive a Godly life to be in Sunday-go-meetings.

Is it “christian” to shun people for what they do or don’t do, that we think they should do or shouldn’t do?

The “should a”, “would a”, “could a” mentality is not the criteria that people have to meet before believers can develop relationships with them.


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