Christ and Christmas.

If Christmas is all about Christ, why does so much of what happens during Christmas have so little to do with Christ or His teachings?

Did Christ sanction by His birth, Christmas with all the lies, all the wastefulness, all the fake-ness, all the gluttony, all the partying, or did He sanction because of His birth, the life He lived, the death He died and His resurrection the ability for people to be in relationship with Him so that His life is lived through them demonstrating the reason for His birth by loving, showing compassion, showing kindness, giving forgiveness, to people who cross our path daily. Would this not be a more positive witness that Jesus is who the word says He is....the resurrected Son of the living God...who His doing His work through His people, than the Christmas festivities where people use His birth to sanction and gratify their fleshly desires?

Christmas has become a commercialized event focused on the selling of wares and the reaping of profits using Christ’s birth as the selling power and as the drawing card to gouge the people of their ability to reason that this is not Christ sanctioned and is of the flesh fleshly if not of the devil devilish that diminishes the work and person of Christ instead of promoting it! The sad part about it is that the “church” world has been duped and has swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker.


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