YOU are valuable beyond your comprenhension.

As Homo sapiens we fail to understand the love relationship Father God has for PEOPLE!

You...yes YOU, are so loved that it is beyond the articulation of any language to verbalize it! It is beyond the comprehension of your family or your best friend, you or anyone else could never replicate it. You are loved by the One Who is the Source of all life, just reflect on that! YOU are more valuable to God than any of the rest of His creation, in fact, the rest of His creation was created for YOU and God made everything so it could sustain your life! Without YOU everything on planet earth loses its value! But He’s got YOU, He has YOU in the palm of His hand and YOU are the pearl of great price that is worth more than all else He owns, He holds you tightly but gently, YOU are the reason He desires the world to shine with the warmth of his love. YOU are the one He died for. is hard to believe...but YOU are the one that motivates God to win and win He will! For YOU, for me, for all of us. Don’t give up, keep walking, LOVE will find a way! You are in universe whose size you are unable to comprehend, but know this, the universe you are in is tiny compared to the Person you are in, for the Person you are in created the universe you are in...WOW...YOU are LOVED! Be alive in His love, be free in His empowering grace...EXPLORE...EXPLORE...EXPLORE who YOU are in Christ!

People, the love God has for us and the value God places on us is not to satisfy our selfish egoistical egos to rule, reign and control people or for us to be haughty of spirit. In humbleness of recognition we are to realize that He loves and values all people the same way and in living we are to share that truth with others to expand His kingdom on earth.

It is not because of you that YOU are is because of Him YOU are important!

Don’t lose site of that TRUTH!


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