Deceived Churchgoers!

Could it be possible that you are a deceived churchgoer? Are you trapped in the trap of deception without realizing it? Are you hypnotized by preacher-tricksters and their charismatic speaking abilities to persuade the captives,  that they are God’s man of the hour and receive from God the direction for your life? are you persuaded that church hierarchy structure was God ordained and to question that authority was tantamount to questioning God?

Organized religion is very narrow minded, some are even closed minded, very controlled and very man-made, with customs and traditions that have nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Jesus never intended that life in Christ to be a religious ritual. The law of God is simply LOVE, and all living should come within the parameter of the love of God. Going to church routinely is not the definition of love, nor of being a Christ follower. Life in Christ is not really a "church" thing, but rather one of having the character of God within.

Life in Christ is Christ living in us 24/7 and have anything to do with church as we know it. Millions will live the whole of their lives in the physical realm believing that the religious system is founded by Christ, yet Jesus came to set the captives free. Religion will always defend their existence, because it gives them power and money--the very thing Jesus denounced the pharisees for...customs and traditions of men.


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