Scaring the Hell Out of People.

Some preachers preach about hell as if they were born and grew up there and based on some of their actions, one could draw the conclusion they did live there! They seem to want people to fear hell and the devil more than they want people to love and trust in God who has defeated the devil and removed the sting out of death.

Why is it that most of religion’s preachers try to scare the hell out of people to try and win them to the Lord’s side, or to keep their flock believing their religious philosophy by telling them that hell is a hot spot that awaits them if they stray from the fold, when the teaching of scripture is; “it is the LOVE of God that constrains people, and the GOODNESS of God that leads people to repentance”? It is not that believers need to scare the hell out of people, it is that people need to experience the LOVE and GOODNESS of God out-flowing from believers leading them to repentance, then hell will not be an issue for them even if it is hot!

Though hell may be a hot spot, scaring the hell out of people is not the bible way to lead them to start a  relationship with God.


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