Feast on the Tree of Life by dying to our right to dertimne what is good and evil.

When we die to our right to determine good and evil for ourselves we obtain the freedom to feast on the tree of Life. No longer going on the defensive when our man-made doctrines are questioned, we are free to see His purpose unfold in our lives and not be bogged down by our religious agenda. We are free to live in His love by Him living His life through us.

We will be set free:

From our past: Instead of succumbing to the blame and shame game, or remaining paralyzed as a victim of religious bondage, we will allow Him draw a line of purpose through our past. There is nothing so heinous that He cannot work it into His plan for our lives. There is no failure that His grace cannot atone. In Father’s hands, even the most painful events in our past become places where He transforms us and builds His compassion for other wounded people into our hearts.

From the imagination of our future: Jesus warned us to, “Take no thought for tomorrow” and “Be anxious for nothing.” How much of our energy for living is sapped because of our fears and anxieties about the future which never materialize. God does not live in our imagined futures. When we live there, we live apart from Him, which is why frustration and stress overcomes us there. By determining what good we want or what evil we must prevent, we end up playing the manipulation game by manipulating people or events.

Free to Live In the present: Jesus lived in the present with His eyes and ears on His Father. By living in the present, free of the past, unhurried by the future and FREE to DO HIS FATHER’S AGENDA, He could live in the middle of Father’s love and purpose as circumstances unfolded around Him.

This is the tree Jesus wants us to feast from and the power of His cross makes it possible. As He reveals His love to us, we too, will find our-self increasingly skeptical of our religious agenda and preferences. Instead of wasting all our efforts trying to sculpt our life the way our religion wants it, we’ll find the joy of living in the middle of His purpose as He works through us. We’ll be able to embrace Him and His work in us in times of trouble and in times of peace. And by living in His unfolding purpose we will know the truest joy of being His loved child in the world.


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