Spiritual Fulfillment.

There is a yearning in the spirit of man that causes a cry to come from deep within the human heart, that cry is due to the yearning for spiritual fulfillment and satisfaction. People are hurting and looking for an answer. People are struggling to find something to satisfy the yearning of the void in their spirit. Spiritually starved believers are looking to experience and see the reality of the Church that Jesus established.

Religious systems doesn't satisfy, man-made denominational systems doesn't satisfy. Doctrinal correctness doesn't satisfy. Bible knowledge doesn't satisfy, even knowing about Jesus doesn't satisfy.You can be born again, but never come into the realization of who you are in Christ. You can live on the sidelines and live in deception. You can live thinking your sins are forgiven, but fail to live in the reality of His indwelling presence. To KNOW Him is the key to your spiritual life and the fulfillment of the "Great Commission".

The only thing that will satisfy is a relationship with Jesus and His being unveiled in your spirit to live His life through you in the power of love. If you move into the fullness of the reality of Jesus you will do great exploits and you are spoiled for any death pattern concocted by religion or by fleshly appetites.

There are multitudes of people in religion that know about Jesus, but do not know Him. They quote scripture by the yard, they read their Bible through and through and they shoot out of context verses to validate their religious persuasions, but they do not KNOW Jesus.

They will sacrifice, they will work and they will confess. They have been born-again but they still do not know Him. Twenty eight years after his conversion on the Damascus Road, Paul said in Philippians 3:10: "That I may know Him..."

We have not even entered into a fraction of who He really is and who we are through Him, yet He is within us. We need God to unveil His Son within us, if that happens, the same power that raised Christ from the dead, "resurrection life giving power" would flow out of us meeting the needs of humanity.


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