A Leader's Role in the Church.

A leader has the responsibility to see that the Church moves into the stream of the life of God. The Church is not the building you assemble in, the Church are the people themselves.

The Church does not need to be entertained or subjected to some Pentecostal Charismatic programmed-event road show. The Church does not need carnal performances of talent fueling ego trips. The Church needs the life of God demonstrated in their midst that will affect their spirits and cause the life within them to live through them to accomplish the will of God.

Being religious describes the state of an individual although believer, is motivated by his self life. You are living in the soulish realm. You do things the way the world does thinking that the world pattern can be expressed through you in doing God's work. Sad to say, this is the plight of a vast majority within the religious system. There is a lot of meism and self promotion within religiosity.

A spiritual man is indwelt and motivated by His life, not the self-life. Being spiritually mature does not mean you have arrived, but you are being led by the Spirit in allowing the life of God to live through you.

The kingdom of God is not an organization, it is as organism. The work of God and the life of God within us is not something that has to be manufactured or educated by some seminary. If alive spiritually we will be active in the kingdom.

Motivation comes forth out of His life that is within.

Preacher, this may come as a surprise to you and your denomination. GOD DID NOT ESTABLISH THE PRESENT CHURCH SYSTEM THAT YOU OPERATE UNDER, MAN DID!

God's desire is that denominational walls fall so His Son can be the head and not the hierarchy within your organization. He desires for believers to be in unity together and alive in His Son so that we will become one Body until we do not recognize what denominational flag anyone carries because Jesus is denomination-less and so should believers be. Are you in Adam or are you in Christ? That is all that God sees. He does not care about the name on the building you call the church that you say you worship in. If Jesus were to come on earth in person He would bypass your denominational Full Gospel building as fast as any other building and head on to minister to the needs of people. There is no denomination that is a favorite of God.

This life within you has to mature, because God wants to do His work through you. His life within you and expressed through you is the greatest power that can ever be expressed in the earthly realm.

The more we allow His life to work through us, the more effective in His kingdom we are!


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