Enslave to the Performance Based Philosophy.

It is evident from church history that every generation becomes enslaved to the performance based philosophy for earning God’s approval and blessing. This philosophy affirms people are right with God because the do the right things and don’t do the wrong things. This performance base philosophy is nothing less than legalism.

Because believers have known nothing other than the performance based
philosophy for gaining and maintaining God’s approval they deem it is Godly and necessary for Godly living. But in experience it brings only temporary relief when the performance has been deemed successful.

Grace plus nothing is the only means of eradicating legalism from your life so you will be established in the grace of God as a way of life.

Many performance based people slander the grace message as cheap and a license to live without regard for holiness. The law gospel is a performance based gospel that is legalistic to appeal to the egotistic self-satisfaction of performing well to the satisfaction of the hierarchy and an attempt to earn right standing with God. The grace gospel has been referred to the “all to common misconception” that we can accept Jesus as our Saviour and yet avoid His lordship.

It seems that in this generation many believers fear cheap grace so much that have steered away from the authentic grace message. Thus, many believers are not secure in their salvation. Without the grace message all religious activity including preaching is a wasted activity. Sin cannot be removed apart from grace, hearts and minds cannot be transformed apart from grace, we cannot be pleasing to God apart from grace. Grace is God’s design, that is why it is fought so hard by Satan and man-made-religion.

Though it may seem that a legalistic performance based system produces pure obedience, it is an illusion. Grace alone can only produce what God wants, the fruit of the Spirit and godly character.


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