Grace, Part 1

God's Grace is imperative to the plan of God for humanity. Believers need to examine the importance of grace and also be able provide the truth of grace in response to the religious distortion of the Grace Gospel. God's grace has much opposition among professing Christians within religion. Their condemnation of the gospel of grace is do in part to a misunderstanding of what the gospel of grace truly is thus, a misunderstanding of what salvation truly is.

"Justification" is a "state of being" that a believer, because of Jesus is placed in. In order to be justified we must place your faith in Jesus Christ as our redeemer and Lord. Justification is "freely given", that entails that there is no dependence on the do’s and don’ts of religion, performance theology, institutional affiliation or denominational structure. The words, "justified freely," means that God grants justification without any worthiness or performance requirements on our part.

Grace believers understand it by the phrase "Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me”. The clearest definition of the word justification is: Just-As-If-I-Had-Never-Sinned. It's a relationship where God treats us "as if we had never sinned"! This freely given divine acceptance is granted when we believed on Jesus Christ. It's issued to us on the basis of "faith in Christ alone". This is God's grace and it's good news. Yet, as clearly as it's stated in the New Testament not many religious organizations or denominations believe or practice it. Today, the pure message of God's grace is in crisis. The ironic thing is, it's under attack by religious adherents who align themselves as believers!


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