Be an OVERCOMMER my moving OVER.

Is there a seemingly insurmountable circumstance you are facing in your life that you are trying in your own strength and ability to overcome? Is there a particular sin in your life that holds you in its sway that you have given up trying to overcome? Is the fear of not living up to imposed standards keeping you paralyzed, unable to move forward with God?

If the answer is yes to these questions, it is time to consider moving from living pre-cross defeat to post-cross victory!

People, we have had the good news (The Gospel of Grace) proclaimed to us by Paul the apostle as truly as the Israelites had the good news of deliverance from the bondage of Egypt proclaimed to them, but if we do not correctly understand the Grace Gospel it is of no benefit to us as the deliverance message they heard was no use to them. It was no benefit to them because the message they heard was not mixed with their leaning on the entire personality of God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness.

The Israelites heard the message of the good news of deliverance but it didn't benefit them because it was not mixed with faith, the ability to lean on the entire personality of God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness.

Friend, living the Grace message will produce God trusting faith and move you from pre-cross failure to post-cross victory!

The Grace Gospel is a God ONLY Message!


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