What about Sin?

There are those in law keeping circles that preach and warn people that God does not overlook sin and will punish people who break the law of God.

The question I pose to the law keepers is; Does God punish you for the sins that you commit?

You may say; I am a believer and have been forgiven of my sin and now I do not sin. If that is so, what do you do with; 1 John 1:8, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Or, 1 John 1:10, If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

God overlooks sin every day we live, if He didn’t we’d all be dead. The question is; why is it that post-cross, God can and does overlook our sin and doesn’t punish us when we commit sin? Because of Jesus! Every sin of our past, every sin of our present, every sin in our future Jesus took upon Himself,  paid the penalty for and God was and still is, satisfied with that payment thus, Jesus cried “it is finished”.
Does that mean that we can commit sin whenever we want to and live for self? Of course not, because if we are a genuine follower of Christ through acceptance of His Grace Message where He is living in us and we are living in Him, we have a new nature that gives us the desire to walk with Him and He will not lead us into sin!

When we sin we have moved off into paths of our own making, God does not punish or condemn us for committing that sin because it is already paid for by Jesus. Now, we may have to live with the consequence of that sin because of its nature but, that does not mean God is punishing us because of the sin. He awaits as the loving Father He is for us to run back into His arms of forgiveness and love.

Don’t ever think that God banishes, condemns, or punishes us when we sin, if He did, it would be admitting that the sacrifice of Christ was insufficient.

God, because of Christ is finished punishing sin! That is why the “whosoever will” may come.


  1. Where doew it say that we are forgiven for present or future sins? The precious blood of Christ is only applied to those who admit their sin, repent(turn from or abandon)that sin, and bring forth fruit of repentance. Good fruit only comes from a good tree... one that is rooted in Christ. The branch that produces no fruit will be cut off and burned.


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