The Gospel of Grace is about...

The Gospel of Grace is about FREEDOM...freedom from the bondage of legalism, freedom from fear of failure and freedom from the apathy of fruitlessness, freedom from the power of sin, and freedom from trap of worldliness.

The Gospel of Grace is about POWER...the power of God at work in our lives, power for victory over sin and failure, power for Christian service, and power for fruitfulness. It is
about experiencing the life of Christ living through us. It is about being led by God's Holy Spirit under the Headship of Jesus.

The Gospel of Grace is about by grace is living out the new-creation-life, living by grace is putting off the old man and putting on the new man, living by grace is living in unity with Christ and with each other, living by grace is living out the “law of the Spirit, not the letter of the law.” It is living experiencing crucifixion, burial, and resurrection, the crucifixion and burial of our self-life and the resurrection of His life living through us. It is living “the exchanged life.”

The Gospel of Grace is not so much about a changed life as it is about an EXCHANGED life. If we view salvation as us changing our lifestyle instead of exchanging our life for His life we hinder Christ from working through His Body the Church...In fact we will see the church as a building where services take place under denominational flags. Change is about trying yo obey the law by our own effort in order to be right with God. Law living is living under a hard task master and we are doomed to failure. Grace living is about an exchanging our live for Christ's life where He lives out His life through us. it is about TRANSFORMATION from the inside out, not CONFIRMATION by external keeping of the law. Law keeping is trying to change from the outside in...Grace living is change from the inside out.

The Gospel of Grace is not so much about living for God as it is living through Him...for it is in Him we move, live and have our being. Living for Him emphasizes our efforts in wanting Him to come onboard with and give His blessing to, living through Him as He lives through us requires a full surrender to His divine power to work in and through our lives. Although the Gospel of Grace is about forgiveness of sins, it is more about intimacy with God.

Yes forgiveness of sin is necessary to have intimacy with God, but intimacy with God, not forgiveness of sin, is our chief aim. If we simply communicate that we sin and we get forgiveness, we’ll never have intimacy with God. I am not minimizing or marginalizing the forgiveness of sin, but it is important to accentuate what is primary over the secondary. I find that religion emphasizes the forgiveness of sin to the neglect of intimacy with God.

The Gospel of Grace is not as much about the do as it is about the done, it is not so much about doing as it is being (see Eph. 2:8-9). Sometimes we spin our wheels trying to get God to do what He has already done. God has already blessed us with every spiritual (supernatural) blessing (benefit, endowment, empowerment to prosper) in the heavenly realm (Kingdom of Heaven). God has (past tense) given us everything we need for life and godliness (see 2 Pet. 1:3). How? By grace, not deserved by us, attained by us or maintained by us, He placed every provision for life in His Kingdom for us to access by Grace through faith.

The Gospel of Grace is not so much about achieving, it is more about receiving (see 2 Pet. 1:3; Eph. 1:3). We labor to enter into His rest (see Heb. 4:10-11). Since His finished work has provided every spiritual blessing in His Kingdom, we rest in His finished work (see John 19:30). That doesn’t mean we rest from work, but that we rest in our work so He can do His work through us as we work with Him. We don’t work to earn God’s blessing; we work because we have His blessing.

The Gospel of Grace is not about acquiring the victory it is about living in victory. This simple understanding changes believers’ perspectives on how to deal with life. I’m not trying to defeat the devil; Jesus has already done that (see Col. 2:14-15). It’s simply my job to learn what I possess and line up with His live in me that is working through me.

The Gospel of Grace is not about rules and regulations, but about the power to live them. John 1:16-17 says it this way, “And of His [Jesus] fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ”. Grace is not simply about the rules, but about the ability to keep them (their provision and fulfillment). God’s Grace is His empowerment to access the fullness of Jesus in our lives. This is the key to going from ordinary to extraordinary. This is the key to His abundance. Grace is God’s provision for true authenticity and productivity.

The Gospel of Grace is the Gospel, it is "good news". It is living the life you were born to live by the goodness of God that leads people to repentance...(see Rom. 2:4).

What is the Gospel of Grace? It is when people become a new species of being in Christ that brings intimacy with God in a way that allows them to experience and communicate the Kingdom of God out of the overflow of His life through their lives. These people are free and truly alive.


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