Punishment in the Name of a Loving God who punishes for ever and ever without end.

Anderson Cooper, while hosting 60 Minutes, April 5, 2009, interviewed a woman activist who helps women victims.  She said that when a woman is condemned and sentenced to death for adultery she is first buried leaving only her head sticking out of the ground.  Then rocks are trucked in which have been selected with care by religious officials so that they are just the right size—not to big to kill quickly and not too small so as not to break the skull, but just right to inflict maximum pain and suffering and to prolong death!  But, of course, the executions are carried out in the name of Allah/God, "Most Gracious, Most Merciful!"

This probably causes most people’s stomach to churn no matter which religion they are affiliated with. Yet religions fail to see absurdity in how they view, teach about and promote the God they say they serve.

There are some religions where people believe that God will condemn a infant to hell if they die before He/she is baptized. Can anyone even imagine anything so  blatantly absurd as people actually believing that the God of unconditional love and infinite mercy will condemn an infant to hell forever due to fault of someone not baptizing them in time. 

Food for thought!

What about sinning preachers, what about sinning saints, and there is no professing believer that does not sin. Why do they get to go to heaven because they have repeated the “sinners prayer” yet, do little to help people but, are masters of manipulation and in controlling peoples lives by instilling the fear of hell in them.

Brave men and women, though sinful human beings, rush into burning buildings in order to rescue babies and adults from fire, rush into falling towers to rescue people, jump into raging seas to save people from drowning, but God, who is Holy, Just, and Righteous, will cast infants and adults into literal hell fire wherein He will torture them forever! 

Is there something is wrong with this picture? Is there a difference between this God and the cruelty to what is done to women in Iran in the name of God?

I ask the question...Do we have the proper understanding of hell or of God who banishes people to a literal hell fire for ever and ever and ever and ever......life without end? Or is it possible that we are lacking in our understanding of hell and of God?

For those who will jump to the conclusion that  I am not a believer in hell because I
question the accepted religious understanding of the place.... all I can say is God bless you.


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