Relationship Destroyer.

Which is more damaging to the kingdom of God, unrighteousness....bad works, or self-righteousness...good works?

I believe the answer is self-righteousness.

Self-righteousness is about what we do to establish or maintain our relationship with God instead of depending solely on Jesus accomplishment to establish and maintain relationship with God for us.

Self-righteousness causes us to focus on the wrong source, it is anti-gospel and therefore oppressing to where we become enslaved to keeping a preferred set of religious rules and regulations thinking it will enables us to obtain what we are so desperately seeking for within. We look to self to satisfy what only God can satisfy. We are deceived into believing that because of what we do
for God is pleasing to Him because of our obedience.

Though our good works may provide much self-comfort, self-approval and approval from the hierarchy within religion it does not give us God’s is a barrier, a relationship destroyer to our relationship with God and robs us of our freedom in Christ. We walk into the prison house of performance to gain God’s approval.

Folks...God desires to be simply known as the supplier of absolute Grace. Self-righteousness is a way we tell God that His gift of Grave is not sufficient and we have to add to His grace to make it in this relationship with Him.

Religion has accused the Grace Gospel as being cheap because it requires nothing from people because we believe that everything needed for salvation was accomplished and provided for by Christ and Him alone. Grace is cheapened by religious add-ons that religion requires to maintain and sustain a relationship with God. The very belief of Grace-Plus implies that Grace provided by God in Christ is insufficient.


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