A Misunderstood Doctrine within the Religious Syste

In my interaction with some people in the institutional churches, I have learned that one of the most misunderstood theological understanding is their understanding of the reason Jesus came to earth and what constitutes the Gospel of Jesus…the Gospel of Grace…and what its reality really is.

When they are made known the Grace Gospel in its
undiluted reality they become defensive to the point of condemning and discrediting the very Gospel Jesus provided for us without realizing that the rejection of the Grace Gospel is a rejection of Jesus Himself and is non-acceptance of His accomplishment on the cross!

The extent of their understanding of Grace is that yes, you are saved by Grace but there it ends. Once born again they revert back to the practice of what a person does as the path to maintaining one’s salvation and proof of one's spiritual maturity. This list of do’s include, but are not limited to, obeying the ten commandments, bible reading, religious rule keeping, moral living, tithe practicing, church membership, Sunday meeting attendance…etc., all of which may be commendable but, the practice of such is not the path to spiritual maturity. They view the Grace Gospel as a license to sin which excuses one to live sinning, this is truly a warped view of our Lord's Gospel of Grace.

This view of the Gospel has reduced the Believers life to a sin management program that is regulated by the minister through guilt, shame and manipulation mixed in the shallowness of what they deem the Grace Gospel to be by trying to please God by doing more for Him while trying to sin less. This produces nothing but gospel-squash that is of no more value to spiritual maturity than hog-wash in the trough of religious quagmire. This perversion of the Gospel is a discredit to Jesus and adds to His Gospel of Grace. "Grace plus something equals nothing". "Grace plus nothing equals everything" because Jesus is everything.

It is time for us as believers to rise out of the religious quagmire, open our eyes, minds and heart to understanding the truth of the Gospel of Grace. It is time to awake and refuse to be lulled to sleep in the religious cradle of conformity, allow the spirit to wash away the scales of tradition from our eyes, apply the fragrance of God's love and allow the Gospel of Grace to set us free to find new life in the atmosphere of God's love and grace, drawing us unto Himself to a deeper understanding of Who He is and the meaning of the God's Gospel of Grace.

The Gospel of Grace given to Paul by Jesus shattered the foundations of the religious world's law keeping living. Paul understood that Christ was the fulfillment of the law and he preached God’s love and acceptance apart from trying to uphold the law’s requirements. However, along with Jesus, he was persecuted for his message by the religious leaders of the day.

“Religion” is a powerless form of "perceived godliness" that robs people of a real relationship with their Maker and drives them into a lifestyle of endless frustration and doubt about the realities of God's promises.

In actual fact...most of the religious practices are godless and does not produce godliness!


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