God Is

God is gooder than the goodest...The devil is badder than the baddest.

God is kinder than the kindest...The devil is meaner than the meanest.

God is greater than the greatest...The devil is lesser than the lessest.

God is meeker than the meekest...The devil is pushier than the pushiest.

God is righter than the rightest...The devil is wronger that the wrongest.

God is higher than the highest... The devil is lower than the lowest.

God is stronger than the strongest...The devil is weaker than the weakest.

God is holier than the holiest...The devil is unholier than the unholiest.

God is blessor than the blessors...The devil is the curssor of the curssors.

God is wiser than the wisest...The devil is stupider than the stupidest.

Jesus is better than the best...The devil is worst than the worst.

God is the lover of lovers...The devil is the hater of haters.

God is the forgiver of forgivers...the devil is the condemner of condemners.

God is the giver of givers...The devil is the taker of takers.

God is the gracious of graceors...The devil is the manipulator of manipulators.

God is the revealer of revealers...The devil is the deceiver of deceivers.

God is the bearer of good news...the devil is the bearer of bad news

Jesus came to establish our relationship with God, give us peace and joy, live in us to empower us as witnesses for God.

The devil came to kill our relationship with God, steal our peace and joy and destroy our witness of Christ.

Why, Why, Why...do we have people who call themselves believers attribute the characteristics of the devil to God!!!

GOD is a GOOD GOD, it is people's screwed up theological misunderstanding and interpretation of the Bible that portrays Him as bad!


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