Is God really the Villain of the Old Testament or has He been wrongly accused? If He has been wrongly accused, who is Responsible for the False Accusation?

Part 6

Understanding what happened and the effect Adam and Eve’s sinning had on mankind is a necessity in order to see God through the life of Jesus, unclouded by the religious tunnel vision spectacles. Before the eating of the forbidden fru
it, Adam and Eve were like God in that they were created in His image. Life was seen from the vantage point of purity and wisdom. Titus 1:15 tells us that to the pure all things are pure but to the defiled, nothing is pure. Before sin entered the universe mankind was pure; as a result mankind saw everything with a pure heart in perfect clarity. God was seen as being only good. In actual fact, the lie of Satan was an was to get them to become unlike God, for they were already created in His image. After sinning mankind was defiled with evil and no longer saw anything as pure, including God, as was demonstrated by their hiding from Him because they thought that that in that state He would be displeased with their nakedness.

The serpents lie caused not only their eyes, but ours as well to be spiritually out of focus which causes us in our fallen state to view God as causative of both good and evil! The ironic thing is that he has deluded most of christendom to believe his diabolical deception.

If you are not stimulated to believe the evidence so far you ought, if nothing else, it should cause you to question what we have been led to believe that God is the villain of the post-cross era.

Is it believable that the serpent's lie affects mankind's image of God? Prior to the lie there was only truth and in this undefiled truth mankind saw God as only good. After the lie mankind saw Him as both good and evil. In Acts 26: 17-18 we are told that before Jesus arrived the world was under Satan’s power. Since Satan is the father of lies we could just as easily say the whole world was under the power of his deception.

How powerful was this lie and how far reaching was the deception? I believe the evidence is clear that the power of the serpents lie was far more devastating to our image of God than we had ever imagined. To expose this lie completely we must take a closer look at the father of it.

Many of us including thoes people we allow to formulate our intrpretation of teh Old Testament, have accepted the duality of God because we have read it without the New Testament revelation of God or at least not believing the revelation, and by not accepting fully whom Jesus reveals Satan to be thus, it is impossible to correctly interpret the Old Testament. What are the truths about Satan that Jesus reveals in the New Testament that will allow us to rightly divide what we read in the Old.

Who is the tempter according to Matthew 4:3?
Who is the LIAR the and the father of lies and a murderer, according to John 8:44?
Who is the one stealing, killing and destroying, according to John 10:10?
Who is the oppressor according to Acts 10:38?
Who is it that the whole world is under the power of according to Acts 26:17-18?
Who is the god of this world, according to 2 Corinthians 4:4?
Who had the power of death according to Hebrews 2:14-15?
Who is the prince of the power of the air according to Ephesians 2:2?
Who is our Adversary according to 1 Peter 5:8?

Satan is!

If the above is true regarding Satan, why is it that in the Old Testament he is scarcely mentioned?

Why is the deceiver the main character in the fall of man, but after his lie he almost drops off the scene with regard to being talked about? Is it because he does not want to be revealed that he is the propagator of the lie of God being evil?

What was Satan doing from the time of his lie in the garden until the time of Jesus?

Did the the writers of the Old Testament see Satan differently than Jesus? Did Jesus in the New Testament reveal things about Satan that Old Testament writers were not aware of? Is that possible?

Part 7 to follow


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