Is God really the Villain of the Old Testament or has He been wrongly accused? If He has been wrongly accused, who is Responsible for the False Accusation?

Part 8

Is God the villain or is it or Satan?

In 2 Samuel 24:1 we are told that the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.

Yet another writer of the Old Testament sees the exact same incident, same David, same story, same result, differently.

1 Chronicles 21:1 says that Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

The writer of 2 Samuel tells us it was God’s (anger) that moved David to number Israel. The writer of 1 Chronicles tells us it was (Satan) who provoked David. This leaves us with a staggering truth. The Old Testament writers (from the pre-cross side of the lie) saw God’s anger and Satan as being the same thing.
This systematic theology shattering information should not be swept under the rug. Scripture just told us Gods anger and Satan are interchangeable and we also learned that Jews believe Satan is the angel of death. Unless we are so deceived in this deception that we remain in a religious tradition induced trance, this information leads us to yet another question: If all this is true, and it is, where does that leave us with other verses that use the words God’s wrath, anger or the angel of death?

Should we believe Jesus meant it when He said over and over that Prior to Him, no one really knew God for who He is?

It is well accepted that the Old Testament saints only saw types and shadows of what would be completely revealed in Jesus. Because of this they were in spiritual darkness and could not clearly see the true character of God.

People in the pre-cross era were under the influence of Satan’s, “the great con-artist” lie. Because of the serpents lie, mankind believed God was both good AND evil. They were also confused as to Satan’s identity. They saw him as an angel of God, the death angel or simply an attribute of Gods nature.

Now, with the above in mind let's move to the advent of Christ. God is about to arrive on the door step of the world as a man. Truth is coming  and He will expose a lie that had existed since the Garden fall. Jesus is here and will soon pull away the veil and bring light on that which is hidden by deception. John the Baptist boldly heralds the arrival of Jesus with an earth shattering statement. In the face of all the great scholars of his time. In the face of the Sadducee’s and Pharisees’, (the religious elite) unsurpassed knowledge of scripture the preacher rips apart their religious theology in one sentence.

John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Wow, wow, wow!

Have we overlooked the significance of this proclamation? The Greek word for “seen” in the above verse means; (to know by experience, to perceive or to be acquainted with). John the preacher just dropped a bomb shell! He just flabbergasted the minds of the religious elite that memorized the first five books of scripture by telling them that they did not know God!

Part 9 to follow


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