Is Standing for "Christian Causes" a Positive Witness for Jesus?

According to the stand that thousands of Christians took a stand for earlier this month, I am led to believe that they believe that standing for a "Christian Cause" is taking a stand for Jesus....but, IS IT?

I anticipate that Mr. Huckabee considered it one of his most rewarding actions that may have resulted in the most profitable day for his chicken killing, because of chicken-eating, chicken-loving Christians who deemed their stand and their chicken eating as supporting a Christian principle. These Christian chicken-lovers, claim to love Jesus, trust God and the goal of their chicken eating was a means of sharing the gospel, which is suppose to be "good news" to the unbeliever. Was this action on the part of Christians a means of sharing the good news of the gospel of Christ?

Being good news for Chick-Fil-A sales, or satisfying the guts of Christian-Chicken-lovers by their chicken eating, nor the unifying together of thousands of Christians who normally live denominated segregated lives of isolation, who returned to their segregational corners after their chicken-eating frenzy, is not Gospel good news nor is it the means of uniting the Body of Christ prayed by Christ in His unity prayer.

The standing for "Christian Causes" of which the Chick-Fil-A, chicken eating, loveless demonstrating event was herald as one, is a point where down through history the institutional church has failed miserably by taking a stand for Christian causes and deeming it as standing for Christ and His Gospel!

Standing for "Christian Causes" down through history has brought untold suffering to the lives of many people, it is even possible that some of the chicken-loving, chicken-eating Christians suffered some pain because of over stuffing their stomachs with their their chicken-eating junk food. While these Chicken-loving Christians felt proud of themselves, how did their message affect the "Church of Jesus Christ"...the Body of Christ" as a whole?

God so loved people that while they were yet sinners He died for them! Does standing and fighting for "Christian Causes", with the fear-mongering and hate-mongering that is demonstrated demonstrating the love of God?

By rallying behind "Christian Causes" are we not portraying to people that Christians love fighting for causes more than they love people! Yet the words of Jesus is "love thy neighbor as thyself". It is impossible to show compassion, mercy, peace and love people by embracing the "Christian cause" and allowing that cause to trump people.

Would it not be an eye opener to our society if people...all people were surprised and overwhelmed by how much Christians loved people rather than how much they loved to fight for "Christian causes". Should Christians be seen as a part of the solution rather than escalating the problem? Would it not be better to love people into the Kingdom rather than alienate them from the kingdom by our pompous superior attitudinal stand?


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