Relationship Handicaps

Independence and self-sufficiency is a Handicap. 

Self-sufficiency and stubborn independence does not lend to the sufficiency of and dependence on Jesus. Most religions are in rebellion to the teachings of Jesus Christ and His gospel, given to Paul by Him. Religion is intolerant against change of their post-cross religious view to the post-cross religion-less reality, As such institutional churches idolize their independent segregationists traits and their self-sufficiency. This trait is in direct contrast to the character of Christ. He spoke of coming to the Father like a little child which confirms that His children are in a relational family relationships and not an island unto themselves. He said that He didn’t do anything that He didn’t see His Father do first and that apart from Him, we could do “nothing”. That is a picture of absolute dependence, which isn't a quality of the religions of the day. 

Self-sufficiency and stubborn independence keeps the institutional church's focal point on cultural trends and marketing data to attract people to their denomination rather than pointing people to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our relational journey of faith and hinders the Body of Christ becoming a community of unified believers in Christ in the community of humanity ministering to the needs of humanity.

Being market based and consumer driven is a handicap.

A misunderstood understanding of the gospel of Christ has led to the misguided market based and consumer driven religious culture that permeates the institutional churches of the world. This is a cause of churches fashioning themselves after the whims of whatever is the whims of popular demand, rather than on leading people to understand the unchanging character of a loving God and being led by His Spirit under the Headship of Jesus the ONLY Head of His Church. 

Knowing God is thwarted by impatience!

Patience is a virtue, impatience a handicap. Instant gratification is a prominent feature of today's society. Ironically many modern "churches" portray the impatience syndrome and are intolerant of anything that isn't convenient or instantly gratifying. Churches have become a instant spiritual food outlet rendering the spiritual food given to contain no spiritual substance or nutrition. This leads believers to be spiritually anemic seeking instant gratification from mental and physical ailments that on times plague them rather than trusting and waiting on God, or be stilled by the knowledge that He is God because of their misunderstanding of His character do to their religious understanding. It takes time along our relational journey with God to truly know Him.

Vanity is a quality of the proud.

Vanity, a quality that is not a character of Christ is the exaggerated quality that we try to put forth when we fear that people will be disappointed if they could see us as we really are thus, we exhibit a false face . Unless a person genuinely invests their sense of identity in what God says about them, they are bound to battle the very common fear that “if you really knew me, you wouldn’t love me”. Such deeply rooted insecurity breeds competition, jealousy, offense and results in a continual struggle for recognition, position and power. Sadly these things are far to common in lives of believers.


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