The way I see it.

I fully realize that my view of Church is different than most people I know. Though I am not out to insist that  people believe the way I do, I am hopeful that the truth I share about Jesus and His Church will be helpful to some and will shed light on a way of seeing God and Church Life in a positive and affirming way and that Church is not about denominations but about Jesus.

I trust that people will come to know that God didn't create the Church for religion, and He doesn't want people to be "religious" towards Him. God is not a hard taskmaster who forces people to clean up their sinful lifestyles before He will consider accepting them into a relationship with Himself. Rather, He loves everyone right where they are. and He went to great lengths to show His love to all people, "while we were still sinners," by sending Jesus into the world...not to condemn the people of the world but rather so that the people of the world would become His dwelling place.

I desire that people know that God is truly a very approachable Friend who fully embraces and unconditionally loves people, and is not an "untouchable" or far of Deity who doesn't have the time of day for humanity. We are not unworthy people in God's eyes, but rather we are a highly valuable treasure to Him, individually and together as a human community. He created us to have an intimate relationship with Him, and I believe He feels for us when we as people stay away from Him because we have a misunderstood understanding of Him.

Although some of my understanding of God may be imperfect, I do hope I show Him as a good, kind, loving, gracious and a generous God who cares deeply about all of His creation. Not only does He not want us to run from Him when we do wrong, but He Himself has wide open arms to receive us with joy and ecstasy, simply because He loves us beyond our comprehension!


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