A Wrong Focus causes Division not Greatness.

The problem with denominated groups is that segregated denominations support division. When a denominated group focus is on the accomplishments of their members and their group’s greatness for God, it supports division in the Body of Christ and hinders the unification of Christ’s Body that Christ prayed for in His unity prayer.

This denominated division is not because of a dislike for other believers or their particular movement, but more shocking, it is the nonchalant attitude of indifference to the desire and wish of Christ for the fulfillment of unity in His Church. They are so focused on their own beliefs, bible interpretations, programs, events, and their own members, they do not even notice or consider the disunity with “not of like faith” believers.

We must make Christ our focus and experience the awesome greatness of who He is in our lives and love with His supernatural love that His grace provides, before unity within His Body will be able to be realized.

It is not searching for or promoting the greatness of a movement in the Kingdom of God that makes a difference, it is the searching to comprehend and understand the greatness and the fulness of Jesus and live in His greatness and fulness so that transformation will transform us from the inside out and we become carriers and promoters of His love and grace in expressing it to fallen humanity.

From God’s point of view...EVERY BELIEVER IS GREAT because they are HIS CHILD and Jesus should be


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