Knowing God through Jesus.

Knowing God through Jesus.

Knowing Jesus in all His glory requires a deeper understanding than just repeating the “sinner’s prayer”, following a programmed structure of Bible study, or accepting a certain theological doctrinal stance from the many that are out there.

To be transformed into His likeness is not accomplished by anything we might do, it is entirely a work of His Spirit, but it requires that we KNOW Jesus. If we have a false knowing of Him the Spirit cannot transform us into His image because we will always try to conform to our idea of who He is.

Though we be introduced to Jesus and get to know about Jesus through the teachings of man, getting to know Jesus through the teachings of man is an impossibility, The only way to truly know Jesus is through a relationship with God where each new day we look to Christ Himself as we discover more of the treasures, the glory the power, the beauty and majesty of Christ. As this happens we become more aware of the quality of His love wherewith He loves us and our sharing of His love to others.

Colossians 2:2-3 informs us that we are be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that we may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that we may know the mystery of God, namely Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ not in teachers about Christ. He died so we could know more of God through relationship with Him. The only way to know God is through Him…the only way to know Him is through the offer of His graced loved relationship.


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