Lone-Ranger Believers!

People belonging to the segregated groups within Christendom accuse people who do not belong to, or remove themselves from a segregated group as being lone-ranger believers. Because of their shaded denominated spectacles they themselves fail to see that the denominated segregated group mentality also are lone-ranger-ranger believers because of the spiritual elitism fostered by the idea that they are more right and understand the bible more clearly than the other groups which makes them a lone-ranger group. Their members are clones of the founders and the hierarchy of the group.

As it is with individuals who are classed as loners by them, they themselves will never thrive in the life of Jesus. But that is a long ways from who God's people really are. Just as individuals can't be the Church by declaring it so, neither can segregated denominated groups.

Who is the Church in the world? Is it not those who live the same confession Peter offered" "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God."? You are part of the Church as you live under Jesus the Head, following Him as your Lord and leader. You can't be the church by following someone else no matter how or where they sit on the ruling spiritual elite hierarchy scale.

And following Him will not lead you to independence. How can it? God is a community and wherever He is known, real community will emerge among His people. Father, Son and Spirit have dwelt in true community for all eternity, knowing the sheer joy and wonder of sharing life, love and glory with themselves. You can't be a recipient of  His love and not find it drawing you toward others whom God brings across your path encounters.

As brothers and sisters we need to connect with each others in real fellowship, as we do we will soon discover that what we know about God is always in part, as if through a darkened window. But in fellowship among believers who are growing to know Him better, there is a fullness of wisdom and revelation. That's why Paul said in Ephesians 1 that the Church is "the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way."

Imagine any singular denominated group claiming to fulfill that incredible promise! The reason why our view of God is often limited, is because institutions are only able to pull people together who see the same thing in the same way. Their view through the shaded glass never gets any clearer, they only grow more convinced that what they see is more accurate than what anyone else sees.

God's kind of community, however springs up among people who are pursuing a vibrant friendship with the Living God. For I've thought the life of God flows to people through our so-called church structures. But it isn't so. Life does not exist in the religious structures, it is only in Jesus.

Those who gather then to get fed or pumped up to get through another week miss what relational Church is all about. We can only find life in Him and once we find it there, our connection with other believers allows us to share that life together. 'Church going' cannot ever be a substitute for knowing him. We can't follow him by conforming to the religious system in which we find ourselves and why would we want to. He's offered each of us the joy of knowing Him every day, and that has nothing to do with Sunday-go-meetings.


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