When you stand before God:

He will not look for the number of diplomas you have from Bible Schools, 

He will not look to see how many seminary degrees you have, 

He will not look to see if you have on a pastor's robe, 

He will not look to see how many "churches" you pastored, 

He will not look for how many "church services" you planned,

He will not look to see if you went to what is called "church" services, 

He will not look to see how many people you judged or condemned because they did not believe the way you do,

He will not look to see how may times you failed Him, 

He will not look to see if you were a tithe payer, 

He will not look to see if you if you were a Sunday-go-meeting "church" attender,  

He will not look to see how many Bibles you own, 

He will not look to see how many Bible verses you know, 

He will not look to see how many mission fields you were on, 

He will not look to see what  denominational tag you are wearing to identify you as belonging to  "His religion", 

He will not look to see how many hours you spent in prayer, 

He will not look to see how many years you spent in studying the Bible, 

He will not look to see if you are what is known as a theologian, 

He will not look to see if you are a Bible scholar,

He will not look to see how what doctrines you hold to, 

He will not look to see how many times you tried to defend the Bible,

He will not look to see How many devils you cast out,

He will not look to see how many healings you performed,

He will not look to see how many "christian causes" you stood for, 

He will not look to see how many ungodly establishments you picketed against,

He will not look to see how many sins you committed as a sinner or as a saint,

He will not look to see how much work you did "for" Him,

He will not look to see how many books you have written,

He will look to see if you are His righteousness, through Christ living in you and you living in Christ and working with Him to accomplish His plan for humanity by loving people as He loves them.


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