Understanding Scripture. Part 1

How can people who believe they are so right, be so wrong when it comes to the understanding and interpretation of scripture and the attributes they ascribe to our loving God? 

Because of the way they believe the meaning and understanding of words are the way God means and understands them to be and if God understands words the way they do in their narrow mindedness, their understanding must be correct. They become self-appointed "Doctrinal Police" armed with hate verses that they shoot from their mouth anything that does not fit their narrow mindedness in understanding scripture,

Let's take a look at the word "hate" and see why the sinner haters believe God hates sinners and makes them feel justified in their hate mentality. 

Rom 9:13, As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

According to them, it cannot be any plainer. God does not just hate the sin, but the sinner as well. Case closed, it is as plain as the nose on your face. "The Bible says it, I believe it and that settles it!" 

But is that the case? Let's take a close look at that. Let's find out whether this verse really is about God hating a sinner the way sinner haters do:

Rom 9:10-13, And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac; For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth; It was said unto her (Rebecca), The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

This scripture is not even about God hating a sinner. The Bible states, God had made a decision about Esau, and Jacob without them "having done any good or evil."

The scripture reveals clues about what God really means by "hating Esau" and it has nothing to do with the way man understands hatred, Obviously God is using "linguistic hyperbole" (extravagant exaggeration to make a point, ex...“enough food to feed a whole army” is a common example of hyperbole, meaning there was more food than enough) to illustrate His choice before either son had been born, before either had done good or evil. His choice to hate was not based on that criteria of good or evil. God made a choice, and by action, He loved Jacob (by choosing him) and hated Esau (by not choosing him). This verse has nothing to do with lustful human hatred from a heart that is "deceitfully wicked.

The theological people haters fail to understand that when they refer to God's "hate" toward Esau is the same hatred the use to judge and condemn people are guilty of spreading their ignorance and false doctrine to illustrate an emotionally hate-filled God.

Part 2 to follow.


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