Frustrating the Grace of God.

Trying to make yourself righteous by your own efforts is frustrating the grace of God.

Galatians 2:21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

People are not righteous because of right doing. People became righteous because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Righteousness is based entirely on Jesu...
s’ right doing. Salvation is not about doing right to become righteous. It is about believing in Jesus to become righteous.

God does not look at your good works to righteousfy a person. He looks at His Son’s perfect sacrifice at Calvary and through Him you are righteous.

The law-keepers say, “Well, we must do our part.,then God will do His.” What part did anyone play in their salvation other then sinning? When did God consult with you at any time in the plan of redemption? Why was the Lamb slain before the beginning of the world. That is why salvation is a gift by grace, and Christ’s righteousness imputed to us.

Many Law-keepers call this “cheap grace”, but it is not cheap. It is PRICELESS. It cost God dearly-His only begotten Son. What could you possibly offer in exchange for it? ABSOULETY NOTHING.

You are either righteous by God’s grace or you are not the righteousness of God, Your own works renders you self-righteous, which are “filthy rags” in God's site. You cannot have it both ways. It is one or the other.

Grace and truth came together through the Person and ministry of Jesus. Grace is not a doctrine or teaching. Grace is a Person. Therefore, when you call Grace greasy or false, you are calling Jesus greasy or false.

Aren't you glad He is merciful and long-suffering towards you?


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