
Why do so many believers exemplify a peace-less-ness relationship in their journey with God? The reason is that many of them wrongly believe that God is displeased and angry with them because of their failure to live up to the law and they fall out of favor with God when they commit a sin.

This kind of thinking is due to people's ignorance of God, His grace and His righteousn...
ess. If a believer is living in Grace, God's peace will follow His righteousness. If you are in a peace-less-ness relationship, you are more sin-conscious than God-conscious in your relational understanding and living.

To many believers have such an obsession with sin and are so sin-conscious that they live their lives trying, in and of themselves, to overcome impossibility, I might add. Such sin-consciousness set them up for failure, condemnation and guilt. They live life, hiding from sin, hiding sin in their lives, running from sin, fighting against sin, talking about the life of other people, of course..., preaching against sin, and turning from the same sin again and again only to commit again and again. They live their lives; hiding sin from the "self-appointed, self-righteous sin-cops" on the lookout for sin in other peoples lives while blind to the sin in their own lives.

With so much emphasis on sin-consciousness they are riddled with guilt and shame which clouds their vision of the righteousness of God that Jesus has placed them in.

If we become more God-conscious than sin-conscious, His grace and love will eradicate peace-less-ness and empower us to be at peace and live in His peace that passes "all understanding."


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