Grace Waters to Swim in.

Believers who believe that a the Law mixed with Grace is the Gospel are wading in water up to their knees only. This wallowing in shallow grace waters stirs up the mud of the law that they stand on and muddies the Gospel of Grace that was so clearly revealed to Paul that in preaching any other gospel than the Gospel of Grace and Truth that is through Jesus is to "fall from Grace."

The Law doesn't allow us to succeed when we fail to keep it...Grace does! Where sin abounds, "grace much more abounds" and we can freely access it by faith.

Paul received this Grace Gospel Message by revelation from Jesus, (Gal. 1:12).

Paul preached this glorious Grace Gospel message to the believers in Galatia, but to his surprise, not long after these believers turned away from the Gospel of Grace and in doing so they were turning away from Jesus and His Gospel to a different Gospel by reverting back to Judaism and the bondage of the law. They were trying to resurrect what was nailed to the cross with Jesus, they were not satisfied with the resurrection of Jesus only and the resultant revelation of His Grace Gospel. Paul called this mixing of the Law and Grace a perversion to the degree where the preachers of such perversion were to be accursed. See Gal. 1:7-9.

The Galatian believers acceptance of the legalistic rules of the law is actually no Gospel at all. This perversion of the gospel is being preached today and has myriads of believers following its deception.This Grace Message can only be received by it being revealed by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Grace, who came to teach us and show us the truth. Paul preached the gospel of pure grace that eliminates all the self-efforts of man. The reason why Paul was so concerned is because of the gospel of mixed law and grace, is in reality no gospel at all. It has no power, no Grace, no Life and NO JESUS. They taught that to be saved one must keep the law to be accepted by God. They taught that simple faith was not enough and Paul's preaching was not sufficient to maintain salvation and that believers must do something to obtain merit before God. "What must I do to be saved?" was asked by a jailer during Paul's time. Paul said "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Grace) and you will be saved."

Believe the Person not the Laws...its the Person Jesus that changes people.The Gospel of Grace changed him from a murderer to an apostle. He did not struggle to be an apostle. He proved that the gospel was not external behavior modification but an inward heart grace transformation. He had done nothing to deserve it. The things of God must be revealed to us. He quoted "I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ himself." Grace was imputed and imparted to him. It was not knowledge imparted to him but the Living Grace, Christ Jesus!It is through Grace we know the real Jesus not a doctrine or the teachings of man. Because of Grace we become a living person fill with gracious grace and have found the precious pearl. Jesus full of grace is that pure beautiful PEARL and worth seeking after it. This PEARL has no impurities.

Move out from the muddy waters of Law and Grace, cut the shorelines of deception and swim in the purity of the ocean of God's Grace.

Grace plus ANYTHING is not GRACE nor is it the GOSPEL!


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