Jesus is the DEFENDER of GRACE.

People who live under the Old Testament Law, have their blow-guns ammunitionized with out of context bible verses to fire at people who live in Grace and believe that Church is the manifestation of the Gospel in daily living as the community of the redeemed in the community of humanity.

Such people have a "form of godliness but deny the power thereof." Such are steeped in self-righteousness and are experts in the letter but are dead in spirit, they twist the scripture so as to discredit the Grace Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are continuously trying to defend the Law by diminishing and obscuring Grace.

Not to fret, Jesus is the GRACERS strong defender. Some of these "Law Keepers" believe that putting on the "whole armor of God" is to fight against GRACERS so as to destroy God's message of GRACE, and they take much spiritual pride and spiritual elitism in doing so.

Colossians 2:14, reads; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. Jesus is the GREAT DEFENDER of His GRACE MESSAGE.

Jesus knew that we were incapable of defending ourselves by the keeping of the Law. It is Jesus Himself who has provided His righteousness and freely imputed it to us by His grace.

Let's let our defense lines fall down and completely trust Him and realize that in holding on to the need to defend the Law, the law-keepers are portraying a lack of belief in the finished work of Christ therefore, alienating themselves from the Lord of Grace and from His plan for the community of the redeemed to be His GRACERS living the GRACE MESSAGE in daily living.

GRACE and TRUTH came by Jesus not by Moses.


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