Is True Unity of Believers Possible?

Would Jesus have prayed for the unity of His Body (believers) if it were not possible?

Has the prayer of Christ been answered, are believers united?

Some people believe that unity is obtained when all members of one group are in agreement with the doctrine that that particular group believes in? Such as, Baptist unity, Pentecostal unity, Catholic unity, Anglican unity, etc. But even these groups are splintered because of doctrinal and governing disagreements.

Many people think that people can believe the way they want and what doctrines they want, as long as everyone believes in the essentials unity is reached. Of course these essentials are determined by some groups interpretation of the bible. As long the people of the world can see harmonization and peace between the different denominations they are practicing unity. Some believe “unity” is a mutually agreed belief system and behaviors that are considered “safe” by everyone within the group. The controversial beliefs are not talked about or discussed so that everyone can be “unified.” But again, is this really unity? Is isolation of believers by denominations even with denominational unity the unity Christ prayed for?

This is not true unity, It is a forced unity… a fake unity. I have trouble believing that “agreeing to not discuss certain topics” is what Jesus meant by “unity” when He prayed that we would be one as He and the Father are one...“Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.” (John 17:21).

Divisions among individuals, conflicts about knowledge and doctrines, favoritism, giving into bitterness, jealously and honor-seeking ...indeed, all of these things, ever since the time of the establishment of the the first "Christian" church by man, have contributed to destroying unity. Instead of striving and praying to reestablish and preserve unity, nearly everyone has grown accustomed to all of these divisional units. It has become firmly entrenched and established and accepted. But, does that make it right, is it the answer to the unity prayer of Christ?

I would like to leave you with this question to ponder and answer if you wish to...Is it possible in in this day of religious culture acceptance...for believers to be unified in the way that Jesus and His Father is unified as was prayed for by Jesus?


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