Over Valuing the Bible.

Some people are so closed-minded they are oblivious of the deception they are in regarding the Gospel of Christ and the bible that points them to Christ. A book whose content was interpreted by man...was translated by man...was compiled by man...was deemed "the Word of God" by man and has been maximized by man to where it has been elevated to a position that transcends and usurps Jesus Himself as "The Word of God". This idolization of the bible has led to many ideologies and perverse doctrines where the bible is the beginning and end of all with regards to our relationship with God. The bible is NOT the Gospel...Jesus is the Gospel. The bible is NOT the "Word of God"...Jesus is the "Word of God.

It is because of man's different interpretation of the the bible's translation that there are so many denominations that all claim that the denomination's validation is bible based. If that is so, the bible is schizophrenic and not authentic. I choose to believe that the problem is not with the scriptures, rather it is a problem with the finite man's traditional understanding of the scriptures.

There is so much adoration and authority given to the bible, that if Jesus Himself came in person and showed us the error of our adulation with the bible we would quote out-of-context bible verses in our pigheadedness to prove that we are right and Jesus is wrong. For us to overtly elevate the bible as the "Living Word of God" which is in direct contradiction to the bible's claim that "Jesus is the Living Word of God", is confirmation that we are beguiled by religious deception that runs is DEEP! As long as we remain close-minded and pigheaded, Jesus will be second to the bible in our understanding and we will never know Him in His fulness nor understand what or why He has done it regarding His love, mercy and grace.

The "gospel" is not the gospel just because someone calls it the gospel. A lot of what goes forth as the Gospel is PERVERTED TRADITION of the CLOSE-MINDED, OPEN-MOUTHED that is a UNRIGHTEOUS-MIXTURE of MISUNDERSTOOD scripture injected with religious infusion of deception laced with a tint of truth to solidify the deception.

If Paul were responding to us....would this be what he would say?. I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. (Gal, 1: 6-9)

If we believe in a Gospel that brings us to Jesus, then separates us from His Grace to summon us into a life of striving to please God and merit His favor once we are in relationship with Him...it is a PERVERTED GOSPEL.

Here is a poem showing how people view the bible, I do not know who the author is.

My Bible and I.
"Shall anyone; part us—my Bible and I?
Shall 'ism' or 'schism' or 'new lights' that try?
Shall shadow for substance, or stone for good bread,
Supplant its sound wisdom; give folly instead?.
"Ah no! My dear Bible, revealed revealer of light!
The Sword of the Spirit puts error to flight.
So still through life's journey, with smile or with sigh,
We'll travel together, my Bible and I."

I wonder what God's thoughts are towards prose that maximizes the bible while minimizing Jesus.


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