The Sting of Deception.
There is a sting to being insulted that you feel immediately and prompts a defensive reaction.
There is a sting to being ridiculed that could cause isolation.
There is a sting in being condemned of giving in to the fear condemnation creates.
As difficult and painful that being insulted, ridiculed and condemned may be, you are usually the first to know it.
However, there is a sting in being ignorant of a subject that subjects you to being manipulated by manipulative people that results in your being deceived by the deception of manipulative people without you realizing you are deceived.
The sting of deception is deadly because, without realizing it you are being deceived. Deception's sting is such that even when snared by it, even when you are presented with truth you believe the truth to be a lie in favor of deception's lie that you believe to be truth!
Sadly, many people live their entire lives deceived by deception's lie about God and their relationship with Him.
Be aware of wolves in sheep's clothing!
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