Complete in Christ.

"As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him... beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And you are complete in Him..." (Colossians 2:6,8,9)

Living the life of a believer is a life where Christ lives in you and your life is lived in Christ. That is to say, without a relationship with Jesus we are not believers. Therefore a relationship with religion, Christianity or otherwise does not constitute being a believer. Does that mean there are no believers within religion...of course not...but, being belonging to a denomination and religiously following their religious belief system does not make you a believer.

The danger of being religious is that you make it the way to God and godliness, which is what has happened to the majority who are members of the Christian religion.

A believer is to be a living phenomenon, an observable reality that finds his spirituality in Jesus, not in religious philosophy, traditions, religious rules and regulator keeping or denominational teachings.

As we first received the Lord Jesus, so we continue to walk in the Lord Jesus. Salvation is Christ gift to mankind and is obtained because of Grace. Our subsequent walk in Him and with Him is to also be by Grace and Grace alone. Religion maintains walking with Him is by doing the do's and don'ts of religion or you are not considered a believer worthy of being a member of the denomination.

Everything God has done, is doing, and will do is aimed at bringing us deeper into Christ, to finish what was begun in us when we received Him by Grace. God is the One through His Grace Who brings us through the Salvation's Gate, and God is the One through His Grace Who leads us along the Path.

Everything God has done, is doing, and will do has the same purpose, and that purpose explains everything you have been through, everything you are going through, and everything you will go through.

Jesus is the Alpha from Whom all things in God are initiated, and Jesus is the Omega unto Whom all things of God find their purpose, their meaning, and their reason for being.

Everything begins in Christ, and everything ends in Christ. He is the Beginning , the In Between and the End, therefore the believer's walk is totally a Grace walk in living life, not a religious walk to a Sunday morning meeting.

Real spiritual growth occurs when we realize that God has only one goal for us, and that is, the full, mature, complete, and experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ. To the extent that we discard "things", including "religious things" and become focused wholly and solely on Christ, to that extent we will become mature in Christ.

Spiritual maturity and completeness will never be realized by being religious.


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