Christmas. Part 2

Let's explore the thinking that Christmas is a festival for the community of the redeemed.

it is well accepted in the religious realm that Christmas is a most important religious holiday observance and treated as one of the principal rituals of Christendom. This ritual religious celebration promotes the birth of Jesus as being December the 25th and teaches that the the scripture sets this date as a cornerstone event to commemorate. The validation of the exchanging of gifts is because the wise men presented gifts to the Christ-child.

If you would indulge me, at least for the reading of what follows, lay aside your preconceived ideas and assumptions as to why you believe what you believe regarding the momentous event surrounding Christ's birth and take a look with me into the history and the scripture for the FACTS regarding whether or not the Christmas ritualistic festival is legit for believers in Christ.

Many who are excitedly preparing for their Christmas celebrations would prefer not knowing about the holiday’s real significance. If they do know the history, they often object that their celebration has nothing to do with the holiday’s monstrous history and meaning. “We are just having fun.” Thus the reasoning for maintaining Christmas as a legit christian practice" is as follows.

"If we are using the event to remember the birth of Jesus and think on what it means, what incarnation is and all the mystery behind it, it is believed to be OK."

Another reason is explained this way. "While the Scripture doesn`t command us to celebrate Christmas it doesn`t command us not too either but under grace we are not to judge others in regard to which days they set aside."

The reasoning continues like this. "While it is also true that it can`t be proven that Christ was born on Dec. 25 according to the Scriptures, a Christian can rightfully set aside any day--including Christmas--as a day for the Lord. Christmas affords believers with a great opportunity to exalt Jesus Christ. Because of our multicultural society we are living in a day when a lot of non Christians want to silence the name of Christ and here is our perfect opportunity to stand as a united voice and say we will not silence name of Christ. We have this season because Christ came and was born of a virgin to take away the sins of world. Lets shout it from housetops when they try to just call it Happy Holidays. As real born again Christians we will not be silenced."

"Although our society has muddied the message of Christmas through consumerism, myths and empty traditions, we should not let these distract us from appreciating the real meaning of Christmas. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to remember Him, worship Him and faithfully witness of Him."

Notice the above states; "We have this season because Christ came and was born of a virgin to take away the sins of world." Really! Is the Christmas season really a result of Jesus' birth? Also, the paragraph directly above is teaching that Christmas started out as legit for believers but "society has muddied its message". Is the Christmas ritual a God thing that was muddied by society...if it was, why did believers jump into the mud and give their full support to the muddied practices?

I wonder... is it possible we indulge ourselves in the festivities because we are ignorant of the "myths and empty traditions" and the origin of Christmas.

Should I do a part 3....maybe.


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