The Downside of Denominational Denominations.

A major problem that denominationalism presents in the establishment of religious denominations is that there is no scriptural support for such an entity or the segregation that it spawns; to the contrary however, there is scriptural support for unification, togetherness and oneness. History reveals that denominations are the result of, or caused by, conflict and confrontation over Bible interpretation or jockeying for "positional spiritual positions" which leads to division and separation and destroys unity.

The words of Jesus are; "a house divided against itself cannot stand". This general principle can and should be applied to the segregated denominations that call themselves "Church".

An example of this is recorded of the Corinthian church which was struggling with issues of division and separation. There were those who thought that they should follow Paul and those who thought they should follow the teaching of Apollos, 1 Corinthians 1:12, "What I am saying is this: each of you says, “I’m with Paul,” or “I’m with Apollos,” or “I’m with Cephas,” or “I’m with Christ.” This alone should tell us what Paul thought of denominationalism or anything else that separates and divides the body.

In verse 13, Paul asks very pointed questions, "Is Christ divided? Was it Paul who was crucified for you? Or were you baptized in Paul’s name?” This makes clear how Paul feels, he (Paul) is not the Christ, he is not the one crucified and his message has never been one that divides the the people of God or would lead someone to worship Paul instead of Christ. Obviously, according to Paul, there is only one body of believers, the community of the redeemed and anything that segregates that union weakens and destroys the the oneness of of its unity (see verse 17). He makes this point stronger in 3:4 by saying that anyone who says they are of Paul or of Apollos is carnal.

Some problematic denominational practices that have no biblical support are:

1. Denominations are based on interpretational understanding causing disagreements with Scripture. One example is the meaning of salvation. Is salvation a one time deal in that once save always saved or can one lose one's salvation by sinning? These people site biblical reasons on both sides of this issue and have used the issue to separate into segregated denominations.

2. Disagreements over the interpretation of Scripture are taken personally and become points of heated arguments. This leads to argumentative contentions which can and have done much to destroy the witness and cause the disunity of believers and the witness for Christ and the community of the redeemed.

3. The Church should be able to resolve its differences within the body, again history tells us that this doesn’t happen. Today the public airwaves capitalize on our differences to demonstrate that we are not unified in thought, purpose, Bible interpretation or our view of God and the finished work of Christ on the cross. There is not even agreement as to what the Gospel of Christ is.

4. Denominations are formed because of man-made doctrines based on of self-interest.

5. The value of unity is identified as in the one witness to the people of the world that we are disciples of Christ. This runs contrary to the Bible and to divisions caused by denominationalism.

Grace unites us as individuals united in Christ and united as His Body to work as His community of the redeemed for the benefit of the community of humanity.

Denominatioalism divides and destroys unity as it pools people of like doctrinal agreement to assemble in segregated buildings, mistakenly called Churches, based on doctrinal misunderstanding! Yet, they claim to be united as the body of Christ, when clearly they are the "disunited body".

Christ did not die on a fractured Cross, why do His people support a fractured body...instead of a unified body.
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