Religion considers itself SHAMELESS even though it is SHAMEFUL

It is a shameful tragedy when religious men exert anti-God rule, manipulation and control over God's people and unashamedly assert that establishing untruths to deceive people's minds through deceptive use of scripture to support religious endeavors is in harmony with and even the requirement Jesus Christ.  What is needed is for God's people to realize that what IS in harmony with religion is not necessarily a requirement of our Lord Jesus Christ and to expose and stand in opposition to the outrageous claims of the religious hierarchy who "lord it over" people who are in the community of the redeemed.

The institutional church though housing genuine believers in Christ is a cesspool religious rituals and practices that have nothing to do with the written word of God nor with God, His Son or His Spirit.  We indeed are living in perilous times. The devil’s favorite place to trap believers and bring them into bondage is not the local tavern or the whore house. No, the devil’s favorite place to render powerless God’s people is the pulpits in buildings called "churches" that advertises itself as a God institutes, “God glorifying”, God honoring, and “Christ-centered” church. All the while the religious activities...though they may be religiously not of God at all. 

In religion, the devil has been successful with replacing the best that God has to offer to the community of the redeemed for the community of humanity with the good that religion has to offer the community of the redeemed for the community of humanity!

We need to very carefully examine ourselves and ask where our loyalties lie, and why we believe what we believe. Have we believed and practiced something just because it is tradition or our denomination or denominated pastor said it was biblical and true?  Are we sure it is biblically true? 

If we accept what man and tradition teach as truth without validating its source, we are treading on dangerous ground. 

“Now the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot know them, because they are spiritually examined. But he that is spiritual examines all things, and he himself is examined of no man.” (1 Corinthians 2:14-15)

The importance of this verse in arriving at truth and understanding the written word cannot be overestimated. We need to free our minds from the control of denominated religion so we will gain a little knowledge and understanding as to how men have corrupted, confused, deceived and disfigured some people in the community of the redeemed by institutionalizing it to be a denominated church; turning it into religious training grounds, which was not founded or sanctioned by Jesus Christ, but by men who love to feed upon and control the pew-warmers in the denominated building they call "Church". 

Without God's Spirit, "His Chosen Teacher" all the time spent in religious training camps (churches) will not bring people to the knowledge of the Truth. The Spirit of Truth is not something that I, or any man, can give to you, it comes only from God.

The Truth is available, but only in the One who said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life".  When you make it your goal to follow Him and His leading instead of religious fables. Being determined to believe whatever God will show you, regardless if it agrees with your religious philosophy or not, or the scorn and ridicule it may bring from other believers caught in the web of deceit, is the only way you can be sure you are following Christ.

May you find that true belief and the courage to live the way God would have you to live, because living His life will bring you the peace, joy, and freedom that Jesus died to provide, and breakout off the shamefulness of religion.


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