God’s Call.

“I am called of God,” “I am called to ministry,” “I am called to reach the world" “I am called to be your pastor, your reverend, your priest,” “I am called to the healing ministry,” “I am called to the prophetic ministry," “I am called to Bible School...to believe that all such callings are God given to favored people based on some human ability is a denial of the scripture that says “God is no respecter of persons.”

God calls all people to the SAME purpose, God calls all people unto Himself, for Himself so they can be filled with Himself so that He Himself can work through people He calls.

God working through people He calls is GOD’S MINISTRY to them, for them to minister to the community of humanity as the community of the redeemed! What are they to minister...God’s LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCY, and His Gospel of GRACE...for all ministry that is not built on God’s love is built on a crumbling foundation and will not withstand the storms of life. It is a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol meaningless endeavor.

In calling us to Himself, God is excluding all other things as the object of our desire. He does not call us to a doctrine, to a denomination, to any ideology or tradition, nor does He call people unto any human hierarchy. He calls us to Himself, and once we come to Him, He provides all we we need to maintain our relationship with Him and to minister to the community of humanity as the community of the redeemed. Ministry is not so much about sermon preaching, bible teaching, Sunday go meeting attending as it is Christ living through people in their daily living as His loved children. If people are truly called of God all allegiance to religious organizations, man-appointed offices, denominational hierarchy, denominated opinions, personal ministry building, personal ambitions, man-made doctrines and traditions are abandoned to answer the call of God.

We are not to seek ministry fame, denominational distinction or hierarchical positions, we are to seek God’s face.

“When you said, Seek my face, my heart said to you, Your face, O Lord, will I seek” (Ps. 27:8).


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