Are you Living by Circumstancial Evedence?

Sometimes when going through circumstances people become cantankerous and hard to live with. We can get mean, rebellious, critical, negative and even blame God for what is happening and become angry at God. This doesn't mean that we have forsaken our relationship with God, but it does mean that we have an unsurrendered self life, we are being governed by our carnal nature. But through all this God is faithful wants us to change our self life for His life. It is not the circumstances that will defeat us it is our reaction to the circumstances.

The Christ life within us is everything necessary for righteousness, victory, and authority over every circumstance of our life. It just need development and our correct reaction to circumstances will help develop it. This takes our whole spirit, soul and body being surrendered to God so He can work out the spirit of authority so you will take authority and practice a sonship relationship.

Now in that sonship relationship there are three levels that you pass through...babe...carnal...spiritual. As a babe you have everything, but you don't possess it because of a lack of maturity. As carnal you can't possess it because the carnal mind is at enmity with God because you are  living for self. It is only as spiritual can you move into all the benefits of knowing who you are in Christ. You have to possess your possessions. The children of Israel had Canaan, but they had to drive out the giants and displace what was there. The giants in your life that have grown there because of your environment and religious teachings through your old Adamic nature has to be displaced and replaced with the truth of who God is and who you are in Christ.

Believe, you can't give what you haven't got or don't know you have. You cannot lead anybody to a higher spiritual plateau than you are yourself. That is why God desires you to grow until you know that you know you know. You know that God is the same when you feel bad as when you feel good. When the Spirit is in control and you are mature you will not move into the wilderness of emotions. You are not overwhelmed by feelings of frustration. You know that God is with you through every circumstance and you keep your focus on Jesus instead of the circumstance.

The life within you continues to swallow up the patterns from your past and the desires of your fleshly appetites. There are passions that have been inflamed by sin, but He takes the fire out. Everything inside of you was made for His purposes, but sin inflamed it while you were in darkness and unrighteousness. You were in this state because you were born with the Adamic nature. But when He comes in, He begins to take all these things out and bring your whole lifestyle back into the divine pattern where it belongs.

God never intended for you to live with a heavy spirit because of your past or present circumstances. God never intended for you to live crying out of your circumstances. God has not planned any defeats for you. If you give into your carnal flesh you will be defeated. Hindsight is always twenty/twenty and we often look back and whip ourselves because we didn't do that or this. Yet we may have done the best we could at the time. But satan tries to whip us over yesterday's failures. These are the things we have to learn to lay at the alter and leave it there.

As you begin to move into the reality that resurrection life flows because of relationship instead of religion-ship you come to a revelation of God's purpose for you as a member of His Community of the Redeemed. God made you to share in everything that He created for His Son, you are joint heirs. You are elevated out of the place of condemnation,  out of a place of insecurity, out of a place of wondering if God really loves you, out of religiosity, out of a place where you judge your position by your problems and religious persuasion and into a place of knowing who you are in Christ! When you start realizing who you are, God begins to move heaven and earth to bring you into the realization of your identity in Him.

1 Peter 2:9 says: But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.

This holy nation, the redeemed of all nations, the Community of the Redeemed is to be the powerful force that demonstrates the life of Jesus by resurrection life flowing. The body of Christ needs to come out of denominational slumber so that the world will see God for who He is.

Jesus knew who He was when He was on the boat in the Sea of Galilee and the wind's came up. The boat was tossing wildly about. The disciples were panicking, what was Jesus doing? In this adverse circumstance Jesus was sleeping. How could Jesus sleep in such conditions? Because He knew who He was. The disciples were frantic. Waves were sweeping over them and they shook Him, crying out, "Jesus don't you care that we perish?" What did Jesus want of those disciples? He wanted them to know that nothing could happen to them as long as He was aboard. There was a purpose in every move that Jesus made.

Everything that is happening in your life has a purpose, to push you into making choices. you have to choose how to react to whatever circumstance you are in. The life within you needs to grow. Everything in our lives that does not fit into His eternal purpose will become a conflict within your life. 

You are the sum total of your choices. The life within you wants God, but you can diminish that life by how you react to your circumstances.

As His life enlarges within you, you will grow to the position of maturity that life's emergencies will never cause you to push the panic button. What He has started in you, He will perfect until that day.


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