Sewing the Veil Together Again.

When believers sacrifice intimacy in their relationship with God by identifying themselves organizationally with religion, nullifies the leading and direction of the Spirit. The higher one moves up on the hierarchy organizational ladder the more one feels that they must protect that position or office. One can even find enough Bible verses to build one's case with stories about Moses and Miriam or David and Saul. But it was not God's ultimate intention to have a mediator between God and man as Moses was. And it was not God's idea for His people to have a king like the rest of the world.

When the veil was ripped in twain at the resurrection, so was the hierarchy that had separated us for so long. Jesus came out of the man-made tabernacles and temples that separated us from not only Him, but from others!

Jesus rent the veil from top to bottom and we have worked hard we have worked since then to sew it back together. When the New Testament talks about pastors, prophets, apostles, teachers, evangelists, elders, bishops, deacons, fathers, ect... it is not to give us a title to put in front of our name. Paul also said he was a mother to some. Were they to call him "Mother Paul" because of that? Jesus made it clear that there was only one we should call (as a name) things like teacher and father, and that was God Himself. Are not all of the names listed above just functions in the body...ways that God equips His children at times? Couldn't these functions possibly change according to the need of each kingdom relationship that God brings into our lives?  Was Paul an apostle to all? Was he a mother to all?  If you see yourself as a pastor to all you will only let people into your life that see you that way. Why not let God define your relationships?

If Paul had accepted a title (I am sure people tried to give him some) he would have been essentially sewing the veil that Jesus ripped in two. He would have destroyed the transparency that comes from having the veil removed. And he probably would have felt a little... well... lonely.

Taking on titles separate us from God and people I need to know. Many people (including those calling themselves believers) have the veil of their heart sewn-up. But in Christ the veil is removed. There is no need for me to fear that others will see me as I am. Jesus has paid the price for my shortcomings. In Christ the Father clothes me with His righteousness and glory...not because of anything I have done, but because of what He has done. We don't have the glory that was always fading as Moses did. His glory grows brighter and brighter as we trust Him more and more in His goodness and love... as our lives are be replaced by His... as it begins to become no longer we that live, but Christ that lives in us.

We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelis from seeing the end of what was passing away...But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (1Cor. 3:13-18)


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