If believers are to comprehend and experience the Christ life within, we must abandon the way of religion where people are taught how to live for God and embrace the gift of God's Grace that empowers you to experience the outflow of His life in you to accomplish His purpose for the Community of the Redeemed.

This is the life Paul wrote about in Philippians 3:3-11. Read it.

All religions are in agreement on at least one element: the false teaching that relationship with god is attained and/or maintained by the actions and efforts of man. In the passage above Paul explains why why this is not so. Paul here talks about spiritual circumcision to emphasize the basis of salvation;
1. True worship of God is a spiritual matter...not a ritual matter.
2. Christ is the object of our rejoicing...not rejoicing in religion.
3. Our confidence is in the Spirit...not in the flesh.

How did Paul know these things? He learned them from Jesus. Jesus said, "God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." This principle must be understood if we want to be involved in the true worship of God. Jesus said in John chapter 4, when he was talking to a woman of Samaria. This woman's religion was no different than the religion of today where the belief is that people go to a certain building or a certain place in order to worship God. In verse 20 the woman said to Jesus, "Our fathers worshiped in this mountain; and you say, that in Jerusalem is the place we ought to worship." Today, the worship of God is associated with being a denominated believer attending a segregated denominated building, this discredits the unity that Christ prayed for His Community of the redeemed and is of the false circumcision. 

In response to her, Jesus said, The time is coming and you should be doing it now, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. In order to worship God in this way we must abandon the religious way rituals, rules and regulations for they are in vain. Religion emphasizes the external and the religious requirements that people are required to perform, having no understanding of or no appreciation what it means to worship God in spirit and in truth. 

This is exactly what Paul warned the early believers about in Galatians...Judaizers would come in among the early believers and would emphasize the keeping of the law including circumcision. Now circumcision is a fleshly procedure, in the natural it is impossible for circumcision not to include the flesh of man. The flesh is symbolic of human effort and the self-righteousness of man. The issue with involving the flesh is that man can never attain the righteousness of God favor with God, or the blessings of God by his own efforts. 

Paramount to experiencing God's grace is an understanding of Christ in you and His working through you. Salvation is not a way for people to learn how to love for God. It is the life of Christ within you and Him working His works through you, so that the work done is His doing even though it seems to others that you are the one doing the work.

Salvation is not about fixing up our live, no, we exchange our life for a a whole new life...Christ's life.

Religious people are about pleasing God by working for God in their own strength and with their own life.

Grace people understand that it is not about them or what they can do for God. It is about what God has done for them and through them by giving them a whole new life and no longer do they need to strive in their own strength, expending their own energy  strive to live a holy life.  Instead they rest in the Life of Christ...Who is holy.


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