"Denominations Are Not The Problem Causing Division"...so states a Religionist!

Here is one religionist's view on his being an effective spiritual warrior in God's victorious army. I guess religionist's like him consider themselves the ultimate spiritual warfare machine. they have their arsenals filled with bible verses to shoot from their cannon mouth, ready to fire at a moments notice to bind the devil from doing what is against God's will. The thing is, with all their spiritual armor they say they are protected with and all their screaming to cast out devils with the shooting of bible verses at people whom they think are demonized...the devil is still having a field day because their fighting against him is like fighting against a class 5 hurricane, having little or no effect at stopping it.

I have placed his comments in square brackets.

[The devil and his demons got it right too. I am a fighter. I am also a wrestler. I take my cue from Paul. Paul told the Ephesian church in Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.]

I guess if you self-affirm your self-assertion long enough you will convince people you are what you self-assert, even if there is no evidence to confirm what you claim to be, such is self-delusion!

This person not only claims he is a spiritual fighter, he is also a spiritual wrestler and he claims he is ready to defeat the devil and his demons because of his great bible knowledge. He also claims to have Paul as his coach. If his fellow fighters and wrestlers have Paul as a coach also, am I to assume that Paul is a poor coach...if I were to determine Paul's coaching ability on this guys ability to fight and win against the devil, Paul would need to go coach training school because the results of these guys are pathetic when it comes to them being victorious over the devil and his schemes. In fact they are siding with the devil's scheme while thinking they are fighting against it.

Here is what David Wilkerson said regarding the accomplishment of such self-acclaimed spiritual warriors; “The entire church structure of America could not stop the showing of (The blasphemous film) “The last Temptation of Christ”… in twenty five years, have we stopped abortion? No, it’s worse than ever…there are Christians right now who claim they are taking the world for Jesus. But I don’t know of one country they have taken.”

I would add to that, they have not even taken ONE CITY for Jesus!

Back to the wisdom of this self-appointed spiritual General. [There are those who are always fighting human beings and if you`ll go on internet there is no shortage of those who are always fighting against denominations. But those of us who are spiritual realize that our fight is not with flesh and blood as the Apostle Paul said. It goes far deeper than that into the spirit realm. Denominations is not the problem that is causing division. That is Satan`s strategy today to get us so hung up on denominations and fill us with bitterness that we are useless in the real battle which is not against flesh and blood. Back in Paul`s day there weren't any denominations but yet Paul had to write letters to churches back then to address the problem of division.]

Based on the paragraph above, I can only conclude that his spiritual ignorance concerning the wiles of the devil in his use of denominations to divide the people of God is only rivaled by his ignorance of denominationalism. To fight against denominationalism is to fight against a spiritual entity not a human entity, denominationalism is an offspring of the devil thus, "spiritual wickedness in high places."

The religious system has spawned thousands of segregated denominations  as a result of disagreements over doctrine and tradition leading to segregated denominational buildings of  DIVISION. The disagreements became so bitter that the different groups began to oppose one another and went so far as to send armies on the battlefields to support their creeds with carnal weapons. Each group made their own regulations, wrote their own creeds and disciplines and upheld them by every possible means. Luther denounced Zwingli as an heretic. The Calvinist would have no dealings with the Lutherans. Calvin consented to the burning of Servetus because of differences of religious views, while in England we are told the Anglican Protestants waged bitter war against the Catholics and also Protestants who would not conform to the established church. Thus we see from history the true spirit that animates denominationalism and that spirit has not changed unto this day.

“Christianity includes a myriad of different denominations that disagree with one another in name, organization, doctrine, worship and practice. Such activity clearly constitutes division, not unity. Yet all the denominations claim to be right and to follow Jesus Christ...that cannot be so. If we really want to please God, we must forsake following religion and follow Christ.”

The fundamental flaw of denominationalism is that error is accepted as truth! If the denominational concept is true, then all denominations are acceptable to God even though they flatly contradict each other regarding worship, salvation, doctrine, tradition, etc. This means error is just as good as truth and self-righteousness is just as good as righteousness.
 Denominationalism is built upon a false foundation and is animated by a false spirit, notwithstanding the fact that many believers are courting the Babylon whore, having never realized her fallacy nor imbibed her false spirit. However, a little honest-hearted investigation on their part will reveal her false foundation, position and practices. Her foundation is one of division, which God strongly condemns.

Paul wrote letters to the Church in disbelief that after coming out of the religious system of the day, the believers were willing to go back under the bondage of the religion of the day and commit spiritual adultery with the Babylonian Whore.

To say that denominations do not divide and segregate the people of God is to be so steeped in religious deception that one is blind to denominational reality. Fighting against the spirit of denominationalism is spiritual warfare because its roots are in the soil of Satan, but it is not fighting denominated people as this person believes it is.

Do the religionist's way of doing spiritual warfare work...not according to its history...Why...because it is not scriptural spiritual warfare!

Much more needs to be said regarding the way self-claimed ultimate spiritual warriors fight and wrestle that is anti-scriptural...it could be the subject of some future series of posts.


  1. Part1.
    Why do you call everybody that disagrees with you religionist? If I might surmise it is so that you can distinguish yourself from everyone else and give us the false idea that you not a religionist because you stay home on Sunday and do not have any contact with others in body of Christ except for the occasion when you are on face book.

    You like to judge and say my Spiritual warfare isn`t working. Well show me some things that have happened that shows that your spiritual warfare is working except for getting a few disgruntled church folks to agree with you.

    You say and I quote: The fundamental flaw of denominationalism is that error is accepted as truth. I have researched many of those who have left denominational churches and their error far surpasses some of error in denominational churches. Do a research on the emergent church where many of them went too and see how they have departed from the truth.

    You say and I quote: However, a little honest-hearted investigation on their part will reveal her false foundation, position and practices. Her foundation is one of division, which God strongly condemns.

    You are right when you say God condemns division. But the question I like to ask is, “Is all division wrong?” If you say yes then Christ was the biggest imposter alive being against God`s plan.

    Here is what the prince of peace said in Mat. 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. What do a sword do? It divides.

    1 John 1:7 says :But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

    We can only have fellowship with those who are walking in light.So there is division here with those who are not walking in light.

    Jesus gospel is one of singualarity as opposed to multiplicity. One fold, one shepherd, one door, one mediator,one faith, one way, one hope, one baptism, one body.So there can be no unity with those that believe there are many ways to God.

    Want some more true division. Fellowship and unity is contingent on truth and doctrine.If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed.(2John1:10) It doesnt matter how much love and grace you talk about. What doctrine is he talking about? Read verses before.He is talking about the doctrine that Christ has come in flesh.

  2. Part2.
    Should I go on or stop? Well Paul tells us that division can be a good thing if it shows us who the real heretics are.(1 Cor. 11:19-19)
    18For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.
    19For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
    I usually quote from King James but I also like the way the New International Version puts this verse.
    18 In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it.
    19 No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval
    So if there were no denominations there still would be division and some of it would not be wrong.
    We should be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace as Paul states in Eph.4:3-6.
    So lets persue unity but not unity at all cost. Lets also realize that as in Christ day the true gospel that Christ preached will also bring division.
    This is what the Gospel will do if it is preached right without being watered down.
    35For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
    36And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.(Matt.10:35-36)
    In this Scripture I know that this last verse taken in context applies to our natural households but I believe it can also apply to our spiritual households.
    If we stand for truth and preach the whole counsel of God then there will be those who are supposely in household of God who will oppose us.
    3 John 1:9-10 bears this out.
    9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.
    10 Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church.
    Is he talking about body of Christ here no for no man can cast us out of Christ body. He is talking about being cast out of local church where ever they may gather.
    So I say if you believe that the Bible is inspired, infallible, innerant Word of God, you are washed in Blood of Lamb, with your sins forgiven, on fire for God and want to see others delivered, regardless of what name tag you go under lets go forth in unity of Spirit and defeat the Devil.
    Whoever is not interested I`d say let him be Anathem.(1Cor.16:22)

    1. The definition of a religionist is; a person adhering to a religion; especially a religious zealot . Religious people are religionists due to the effect their religion has had on them over the years. That is why you and people like you, I call a religionists.

      By the way your accusation that everybody who does not believe the way I do I call a religionists is a product of your flawed religious imagination, as is your surmising as to why I call you a religionists.

      The modern religionist hates the doctrine of God’s sovereign grace as the complete and finished work of Christ,They even rave and rage at the mention of it. If you want to see a religionist worked up till hatred is clearly portrayed in his words and actions, let someone teach or preach about the all sufficiency of God’s gracious grace to save and to maintain salvation in their presence. The religious gospel which is Satan inspired, man-ordained and man-believed will be welcomed by men. However, the Amazing Grace Gospel but needs divine revelation upon the
      heart and mind so the religious bondage that has in bound will be broken so he can receive it.

      That is why I call you a religionist...it has nothing to do with your disagreement with me, nor has it anything to do with the judgmental conclusion you stated of me in your comment.


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